Tanzania Mineral, Strategies, Policies and Guidelines

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    The National Natural Gas Policy of Tanzania
    (United Reblic of Tanzania, Ministry of Energy and Mineral, 2013-10)
    Tanzania has been exploring for oil and gas for the past 60 years since 1952. The first natural gas discovery was made in 1974 on the Songo Songo Island (Lindi Region) followed by a second discovery at the Mnazi Bay (Mtwara Region) in 1982. The Songo Songo natural gas was commercialized in 2004 and that of the Mnazi Bay in 2006. The commercialization of the two discoveries propelled further exploration both on- and off-shore In 1999 petroleum exploration in the deep sea commenced with the shooting of speculative seismic survey along the entire East African coastal area after which the deep-sea Tanzania was divided into blocks. In 2005 the first exploration license in the deep-sea was awarded. In 2010, these exploration endeavors culminated in large quantities of natural gas discoveries. Exploration continues and more gas discoveries are anticipated. Over all these years, petroleum exploration and production has been guided by the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act of 1980 using the National Energy Policy of 2003 which cater for upstream activities. This Natural Gas Policy has been formulated to rectify the shortcomings in the above mentioned documents and provide guidance to the increasing mid- and down-stream activities in the natural gas industry in Tanzania.
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    Sera ya madini
    (Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Wizara ya nishati na madini, 1997-10)
    Serikali ya Tanzania inatambua umuhimu wa kuandaa mazing ira ya uwekezaji yenye ushindani kimataifa kwaajili ya sekta ya madini. Mwelekeo na malengo ya Serikali ni kuwa na sekta ya madini yenye nguvu, tija na ufaniisi kwa manufaa ya Watanzan.ia. Inatarajiwa kwamba sekta ya madini itachang.ia ipasavyo katika maendeleo ya viwanda, utoaji wa ajira,maendeleo ya mitmdombinu ya kijamii na kiuchumi (hususan katika maeneoya vijijini), kuzalisha mali, ku.ingiza fedha za k.igeni na mapato kwa Serikali. Shughuli zote za sekta ya madini zitafanyika kwa kuzingatia usalama na uhifadhi wa mazingira (kwa ajili ya uendelevu). Utafiti wak.ijiolojia uliofanyikakwazaidi yam.iaka sitini, pamojana taarifa na takwimu za madini zilizopo, tmaonyesha kwamba Tanzania inahazina kubwa yaaina nyingi za madini yenye thamani kubwa kiuchumi. Hata hivyo, nchi bado haijafaidika ipasavyo kutokana na mchango wa hazina lui kubwa ya madini.
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    Small and medium enterprise development policy
    (United republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Undustry and Trade, 2002)
    It is now increasingly recognised that the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in employment creation and income generation in Tanzania. SMEs all over the world and in Tanzania in particular, can be easily established since their requirements in terms of capital; technology, management and even utilities are not as demanding as it is the case for large enterprises. These enterprises can also be established in rural settings and thus add value to the agro products and at the same time facilitate the dispersal of enterprises. Indeed SMEs development is closely associated with more equitable distribution of income and thus important as regards poverty alleviation. At the same time, SMEs serve as a training ground for emerging entrepreneurs. In Tanzania, the full potential of the SME sector has yet to be tapped due to the existence of a number of constraints hampering the development of the sector. They include: unfavourable legal and regulatory framework, undeveloped infrastructure, poor business development services, limited access of SMEs to finance, ineffective and poorly coordinated institutional support framework etc. It is for this reason that this SME Development Policy was formulated so as to address the constraints and to tap the full potential of the sector. Ad hoc and piecemeal measures will then be replaced with sustainable, integrated and coordinated interventions. This policy will serve as guidelines to all stakeholders and thus stimulate new enterprises to be established and existing ones to grow and become more competitive. The expected outcome is to have a significantly increased contribution of the SME sector to economic development of Tanzania
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    Strategic plan 2011/12 - 2015/16
    (United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Energy and Minerals, 2012-11)
    The Ministry of Energy and Minerals has been preparing its Strategic Plan (SP) since 2003 to guide the implementation of its plan and budget. This is a fourth plan, which will be mplemented for five years, 2011/12 – 2015/16. It has been prepared in line with Tanzania Development Vision 2025, the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty [MKUKUTA], the Tanzania Five Year Development Plan 2011/12 – 2015/2016, the Tanzania Long Term Perspective Plan (LTPP) – 2011/12 – 2025/26; and the Ruling Party Election Manifesto 2010 - 2015. Purpose of the Strategic Plan This Plan aims at providing clear vision and mission that will guide the Ministry towards strategic direction. MEM’s Strategic Plan for the year 2011/12 – 2015/16, specifically focuses on increasing revenue collection; implementing sustainable projects/programmes; and jobs creation. This will contribute to socio-economic development through sustainable management and utilization of energy and mineral resources in an environmentally friendly manner. The Strategic Plan also stipulates strategic objectives and targets, which will be implemented in order to achieve the vision. For proper monitoring and evaluation of the Plan implementation, outcome indicators will be used to measure the overall Ministry’s performance
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    Taratibu za utunzaji wa mazingira katika uchimbaji mdogo wa madini
    (Jamuhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania,Wizara ya nishati na madini, 2009)
    Maswala ya usimamizi wa mazingira, afya na usalama katika migodi ni miungoni mwa mambo ambayo yameelezwa kwa kina katika sera ya madini ya mwaka 2009 ambayo imepitishwa na Bunge la Jamumhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania mwaka 2009 Sera ya madini imeainisha kuwa serilali itaendelea kutoa mafunzo na ushauri kwa wachimbaji wadogo katika maswala ya afya na usalama, HIV,AIDS na usimazi wa mazingira. Ili kuhakikisha shughuli za uchimbaji madini unakua endelevu, serikali itahitaji kuchukua hatua ili kupunguza au kutokomeza athari za mazingira kwa kubarasha hali ya afya na usalama na kushughulikia maswala masuala ya kijamii yanayowaathiri wanajamii pia ni muhimu kwa serikari kuchukua hatua za makusudi kuongeza ufahamu na kuhamasisha masuala ya mazingira miongoni mwa wachimaji wadogo Shughuli za wachimbaji madini zisiposimamiwa ipasavyo huweza kusababisha uharibifu mkubwa wa mazingira kama vile ukataji wa miti na uchafuzi wa vyanzo vya maji na kusababisha muingiliano wa masuala ya kijamii katika mweneo yanayozunguka mgodi.
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    The mineral policy of Tanzania
    (United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of energy and minerals, 1997-10)
    The governemt of tanzania recognizes the need to put into place internationally competitive investiment environment for mineral sector. The government ‘s vision and mission is to have a strong, efficient and profitable mining industry for the benefit of Tanzania people. It is envisaged that the mineral sector should contribute significantly towards industrial development, employment creation, social and economic infrasructural development (particularly for the rural areas); income generation, foreign exchange earnings and government revenue. All mineral sector activities shall be carries out on basis of safe and enviromnentally-sound practices ( for sustainability). Geological investments carried out over a period of more than sixty years, together with available nineral production statistics and information, show that Tanzania has rich and diverse mineral resources base with high economic potential. However, the country has yet to realize a benefitting contribution from the vast mineral endowment.