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    Tanzania disasters 2000-2001
    (University of Dar es Salaam, 2000-12-02)
    Different newspapers wrote on disasters occurred in the country between 2000 and 2001. One of them is the Mwanza floods in which heavy rains pound in the city killing 24 and on the same case ten bodies were seen floating in Lake Victoria leaving hundreds homeless. In onother case, 13 people were missing in a small fishing village of Mtanga on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Kigoma region following a landslide and flash floods which also buried 30 houses and caused a loss of 41million. In another case, President Benjamin Mkapa was saddened by the bloody clashes between pastoralist and farmers in Kilosa district, and the Rungwe tremor victims were disappointed by the Mbeya regional commissioner statement that their houses collapsed because of having weak foundations.
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    Education curriculum
    (University of Dar es Salaam, 2004-02-06)
    In 2004 curriculum IT studies was proposed to be introduced in all schools an in 2006 ICT was proposed to be part of secondary school curricula and the government was advised to set one curriculum for all institutions offering journalism and media studies in the country.
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    Ajali ya treni Dar-Mwanza
    (University of Dar es Salaam, 2002-06-24)
    Magazeti mbalimbali yaliandika juu ya ajali ya treni ya abiria ya reli ya kati iliyoua zaidi ya watu 100 (mia moja). Treni hiyo ilikua ikitokea jijini Dar es Salaam kwenda Mwanza na Kigoma na kupata ajali kati ya kijiji cha Igenndu na Msagali, Dodoma saa 5:00 asubuhi baada ya kurudi nyuma na kugongana na treni ya mizigo baada ya kushindwa kupanda kilima.
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    Mgongano kwenye machimbo ya madini na sakata la bomoabomoa Ubungo na Kimara
    (University of Dar es Salaam, 2001-04-30)
    Mapigano yaliyotokea katika machimbo ya merereni na kusababisha kifo cha mchimbaji mdogo yalipelekea viongozi wa serikali (CCM) pamoja na wamiliki kuhojiwa na police. Katika tukio lingine la sakata la boaboa Ubungo na Kimara jijini Dar es Salaam lilisababisha taasisi mbalimbali kuwa na azimio la kuifikisha serikali mahakamani kufatia wakazi wa maeneo hayo kukosa makazi na kuwapelekea kuweka kambi nje ya ofisi za Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la kuhudumia wakimbizi (UNHCR) na waliweza kugoma kuondoka eneo hilo mpaka walipwe. fidia.
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    Tanzania disasters 2000-2001
    (University of Dar es Salaam, 2000-12-02)
    Different newspapers wrote on disasters occurred in the country between 2000 and 2001. One of them is the Mwanza floods in which heavy rains pound in the city killing 24 and on the same case ten bodies were seen floating in Lake Victoria leaving hundreds homeless. In onother case, 13 people were missing in a small fishing village of Mtanga on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Kigoma region following a landslide and flash floods which also buried 30 houses and caused a loss of 41million. In another case, President Benjamin Mkapa was saddened by the bloody clashes between pastoralist and farmers in Kilosa district, and the Rungwe tremor victims were disappointed by the Mbeya regional commissioner statement that their houses collapsed because of having weak foundations.
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    Gender and Education
    (Uiversity of Dar es Salaam, 2007-04-19)
    Magazeti mbalimbali yaelezea swala zima la elimu kwa watoto wa kike zikiwemo taarifa za ufaulu, utoro shuleni, mimba mashuleni, wazazi wanaoozesha wanafunzi, simu za mkononi mashuleni, hatima ya mimba kwa wanafunzi mashuleni pamoja na kuwageuza walinzi wawapo shuleni.
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    Higher learning istitution students' strikes
    (Uiversity of Dar es Salaam, 1995-09-18)
    The document is a combination of different newspapers reporting on different strikes caused by higher learning students due to different problems concern with their loans. Strikes on government refusal to increase their meal allowance and accommodation and asked the government to stop cost sharing.
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    Mv Bukoba and Mv Spice
    (Uiversity of Dar es Salaam, 1996-05-21)
    The document is a combination of different newspapers reported on the marine accidents of the capsized ship (Mv Bukoba) in 1996 where by over 600 people died, and another accident is of Mv Spice Islanders in 2011 where by more than 200 people died. Mv Bukoba was sailing from Bukoba via Kemondo Bay in Lake Victoria with almost twice passengers capacity with unknown amount of cargo.
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    Albino killings in Tanzania
    (Uiversity of Dar es Salaam, 2008-10-20)
    The document contain different newspapers concerning the killings of albinos in Tanzania. The killing of albinos in Tanzania is being caused by poor beliefs among some tribes in the country, on the other aspect, albinos are being killed by people who think their body parts will make them rich. This situation led albinos to walk with fear on road with their saying that " albinos are money, millions of money in their bodies".