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Item Miaka 20 ya elimu ya watu wazima; kufuta ujinga sasa tunataka haki na usawa(Chama cha waandishi wa habari wanawake Tanzania, 1990) Sauti ya SitiTanzania ni inchi inayoongoza baraza africa kwani imeanikwa kuwa na asilimia 85 ya watu wanao jua kusoma na kuandika. Hii inamaana kuwa wazima walio wengi wanajua kusoma ,kuandika, na kufanya hesabu rahisi.Item Rejoice(Tanzania media women 's Association (TAMWA), 1989) Sauti ya SitiSong and dance are two mediums of communication that women can use to express themselves. indeed, the poverty of movement and lyrics and lilting melodies of many of our songs have been perfect vehicles for putting forward our thoughts, Aspirations, triumphs, sadness and anger.Item Furaha maishani(umoja wa wanawake Tanzania, 1992) Sauti ya SitiKatika mitaa ya jiji la Dar es Salaam ukitembea utakutana na idadi kuwa ya watoto wenye umri kati ya miaka mitano hadi 18, wengine wakifanya biashara ndog ndogo au wakitembea bila ya sababu maalum.Item Mwanga(Umoja wa Vijana Tanzania, 1989) Umoja wa VijanaChipukizi na baadhi ya wajumbe wa baraza kuu walifanya maandnamano kuelekea ukumbini kalbla ya kikao cha Baraza hilo kilichofanyika mjini singida mwaka 1988.Item Jumuiya ya Wanawake Tanzania; Taarifa ya U.W.T Kwa kipindi cha 1977/1982(Kiwanda cha uchapishaji cha Taifa (KIUTA), 1980) Umoja wa wanawake TanzaniaTaarifa hii itaonyesha shughuli za U.W.T. Zilizofanyika katika kipindi cha 1977/1982.Item Souti ya Siti(CHAWATA, 1988) Gazeti la Wanawake Tanzania'Sauti ya siti' -limepatikana kutoka kwa jina la mwimbaji, Siti Bint saad ambaye alikuwa miongoni mwa wanawake wa kwanza walijitokeza katika usani nchini. Sisi wanawake wa CHAWAHATA tumeona kuwa tumpe wasifi mwanamke huyo kwasababu kwenye zama za kale , wasanii wanawake walikuwa hawapewi wadhifa waliokuwa wanastahili. Aidha neno siti lina maana Mwanamke, Wanawake lazima wapewe Sauti ya kusema wanayotaka na sauti moja wapo ni hili gazeti.Item Cheche(University of Dar es Salaam, 1970) TANU youth leagueThe prime characteristics of an intellectual are the ability to reason and penetrative perception of reality.Item Faculty of Law under fire(University of Dar es Salaam., 1969) University echoAt the close of the last academic year, the campus was swept a boiling pot of strong waves of revolution and inconformityItem Editorial- we are very disappointed(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoAnd down comes yet another USUD government, and with it the hopes of the student populationItem Echo talks to the librarian(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoUndoubtedly, yo have been the librarian since the college started.Item EA university not African(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoOne of the leading authorities in the university college, Dar es salaam, speaking at the graduation ceremony said,’We are non-aligned’ whatever this meant is not certainItem Demonstrations turns students down(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoDemonstrating students from institutions of higher learning in dar es salaam were dismissed from their institutions and their bursaries withdrawn simultaneously on Saturday the 22nd October, 1966.Item Chicago’s other sides(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoRozell wrote a letter addressed to her sister described about Chicago Illinois as a recognition of Chicago as the world’s crimeItem Campus revolution 1967/68(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoThe last academic year was undoubtedly the year of revolutions in and about the cumpusItem Campus in the wilderness(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoAgirl rushing in mute crudeness through a thick- packed queue planted her pointed heel on the toes of a young man.Item Campus comment(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoUniversity echo is designed to serve as na organ through which University students will be able to comment on issues pre-vailing either on or outside the campus.Item Cafeteria chaos(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoThe college cafeteria is in a wretched mess, all around it looms the fear of an epidemic . of late it has become quite obvious that the student body is invariably ill-fed, under-nourished and attended to by the cafeteria staff.Item Bunyassi talking to the dead of students(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoAll for no reason given, and on no academic grounds: the made it increasingly clear that academic freedom was to be subordinated to the interest of his partyItem Bright future for Africa(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoRepresentative Barrett O’ Hara, chairman of the House sub –committee on Africa, sees a bright future for this continent despite the current political turmoil in Nigeria.Item Book review(University of Dar es Salaam., 1966) University echoTo those of us accustomed to reading works by learned authors James Wafula’s and G.C.S. Munoru’s OUR ROAD SOCIALISM come as a welcome interlude