Analysis of determinants of sustainability for community managed rural water supply projects in Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
Analysis of determinants of sustainability for community managed rural water supply
projects in Tanzania
A Case of Moshi District Council, Kilimanjaro Region
Dialista Appia Thomas Kirenga
PhD (NARAM) University of Dar es salaam, Institute of resource assessment, 2019
Despite implementing the 1980s Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP), Tanzania has experienced a number of unexpected results and challenges in the community managed (CM) rural water supply projects resulting into unsustainability services delivery. As a result in Tanzania, water supply functionality status countrywide, currently indicate that out of about 87,221 water points, 31,855 are non-functional, 6,386 are partially functional and only about 48,980 are functional. This situation is denying 7,963,750 rural communities access to water supply services. In relation to that the main objective of this study was to deepen the understanding of the nature of the most critical determinants
factors affecting sustainability of CM rural water supply projects in Tanzania. The first
specific objective of the research was to explore perception of users and key informants on
the understanding of water supply sustainability. The second specific objective was to
establish the determinants of sustainability of water supply project, while the third one was
to identify specific characteristics, which affect success or failure of water supply
management models. The last specific objective was to establish factors necessary for
improvement of CM rural water supply projects. A non-probability purposeful sampling
technique was used to select sample size. Respondents were randomly selected from two
villages based on their performance on water supply service delivery. In each sub village
five out of ten respondents were randomly selected. A total of 157 community water users
were selected from nine administrative wards in the study area. Five groups of ten key
informants participated in FGD while 15 key informants were involved in in-depth
interviews. These together represented 141,386 populations in the study area. SPSS and
Microsoft excel for data analysis. Based on study findings, sustainability indicators are
perceived differently between community water users, water entity operators and support
organizations. Also, factors affecting sustainability in MDC are associated with both
formalized and non-formalized factors. It was also established that historical perspectives
about water sources ownership and local politics contribute to poor resources contribution
and un-willingness to pay for the water supply services. Again, project exit strategies were
found to be among factors that contribute to improve water supply services delivery in the
case study area. Factors for improving sustainable services entail among others
institutional reforms for effective sustainable cost recovery. Among others the study
recommends that Principles of Common Pool Resources (CPR) and Institutional Bricolage
should be integrated in project design to resolve challenges affecting sustainability.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF TD929.T34K573)
Rular water supply, Public utilities, Moshi districts, Tanzania
Kirenga,D,A,T,(2019)Analysis of determinants of sustainability for community managed rural water supply projects in Tanzania,Doctorial dissertation ,University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.