Information literacy competence of the members of parliament in Tanzania over the fifth phase government (2015- 2020)



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University of Dar es Salaam


The study assessed the information literacy competence of the members of Parliament in Tanzania. Specifically, it sought to identify the purposes for which members of parliament access information, parliamentarians' level of awareness of diverse information sources, their competence in information literacy, and impediments to information access and use. A descriptive research design and a mixed-methods research approach were used to achieve the purpose. A sample of forty-three (43) respondents, was chosen using a purposive sampling technique. Whereas quantitative data were analysed using SPSS Version 20, qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. The findings show that most members of parliament are aware of various sources of information, including parliamentary records, which they use to prepare questions and speeches and keep their knowledge up to date. Also, the findings indicate that the majority of the members of the parliament were not competent in information literacy, as most could not accurately formulate search strategies and effectively evaluate online information for credibility. Even so, most respondents indicated that they had been trained and had attended seminars prepared by the parliament. These findings show that the Bunge Library has taken the necessary measures to ensure that members of parliament become literate. Accessing online information was challenging because of inadequate bandwidth and the incomplete digitization of the Bunge materials. The study recommends the completion of the digitization process to facilitate more accessible information, train and retrain members of parliament in information literacy skills, launch a computer literacy training program that legislators would be required to go through in the early stages of their service, and provide basic information communication technology infrastructure.


available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library,(THS EAF Z665.T34K338)


Information science, Information literacy, Tanzania


Kabudi, A. J. (2023)Information literacy competence of the members of parliament in Tanzania over the fifth phase government (2015- 2020),master dissertation,University of Dar es salaam.