Analysis of climate variability impacts on livelihoods and response of smallholder farmers around Ruaha national park, Tanzania



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University of Dar es Salaam


Monitoring and evaluation(M&E) are very important in attaining targeted goals in education, especially in teaching and learning process that influence student academic performance. Ruangwa district experienced poor students’ academic performance in the Form Four National Examinations in the academic years of 2016 through 2019. It was thus crucial to examine the extent to which monitoring, and evaluation is paramount in enhancing pedagogical activities for improved students’ academic performance. A descriptive research design was applied to gather the views of respondents on the role of monitoring and evaluation in improving teaching and learning. Purposive sampling technique was used to select headmasters, District Education Officer, School Quality assurance and Ward Education Officers who were key respondents. In addition, teachers and students were also selected using purposive sampling technique. In-depth interviews and focus group discussion techniques were used to collect data whereas total of 38 respondents were engaged in the study. The collected data was analysed using thematic data analysis method. The results of the study have shown that the strategies of M&E practice were not applied effectively in monitoring and evaluating teaching and learning process in the selected schools. In addition, it was found out that the effectiveness of M&E practice on improving teaching and learning was hindered by shortage of Education officers, inadequate government support, inadequate physical facilities, inadequate teaching and learning materials and poor implementation of M&E recommendations. Furthermore, it was found that in the study area there was slight implications of M&E practice on improving teaching and learning because students’ academic performance remained poor despite the implementation of M&E in the selected public secondary schools. Generally, to improve the teaching and learning process as well as academic performance, M&E budget and school budget should be increased to eradicate the challenges hindering the effectiveness of M&E on improving teaching and learning process in the selected public secondary schools in Ruangwa district


available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library,(THS EAF QC902.8T34L956)


Climatic changes, Farmers, Ruaha national park, Tanzania


Lyimo, S. T. (2021) Analysis of climate variability impacts on livelihoods and response of smallholder farmers around Ruaha national park, Tanzania,master dissertation,University of Dar es salaam.