Mining and social inclusion

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    Monthly social development compliance report, July 2007
    (Bulyanhulu gold mine (BGM), 2007) Barrick
    Bulyanhulu Gold Mine (BGM), a wholly owned subsidiary of Barrick Gold Corporation based in Canada, is responsible for development and management of Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Project. The project is located in northwest Tanzania, approximately 45 km south of Lake Victoria at an elevation of 1,200 meters above sea level. Construction of the project commenced in 1999 and was commissioned in March 2001. Apart from mining activities, BGM is highly committed to support rural development initiatives undertaken in line with the Government of Tanzania's community development goals. BGM aims at assisting communities in promoting participatory development and self-help spirit to reduce dependence. This is done by development of a tripartite relationship and approach, whereby BGM, District Council and the Community at large work together to solve problems facing them. This initiative is expected to raise standard of living of the people and increase ownership through community active participation to achieve sustainable Development. Community engagement at BGML is a continuous process began during exploration phase over construction through operations and closure. Effective community engagement facilitates cooperative relations with local stakeholders, provides a mechanism for monitoring public perception and enables the adaptation of project plans in response to community concerns. It also creates an understanding of the needs of the community which can be used to develop appropriate socio-economic development programs that will provide benefits beyond the life of the mine. An effective community engagement process, especially at the early stages, can set the tone of the relationship with the community for the entire mine life, and is therefore of critical importance. BGML's investments in community development activities aims at developing long-term partnerships with communities, employees, Government agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and other stakeholders in order to deliver significant and sustainable benefits to the communities and employees. Community Department at BGM through the Social Development Policy is to ensure community development programmes are designed to promote sustainable economic growth, environmental protection, education, community capacity building, health and welfare of people directly or indirectly affected by mining activities. The focus is on the following key issues: In partnership with other key community stakeholders, BGM through community development services undertake programmes and activities that will lead to sustainable and integrated local development, and improvement in the quality of life for mine workers and existing residents in the area; To comply with all relevant Tanzanian legislation, as well as with the policies of Barrick Gold Corporation and BGM and the guidelines of the World Bank, regarding social development; and To build on BGM's strong reputation both within the country and in the international mining community.
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    Community development department: June — July monthly report 2006
    (Barrick (Bulyanhulu), 2006) Barrick
    During the months of June and July Community Department focused mainly on capacity building through training. We have and are still conducting training to enable village councils, PRA committees and other production group to be able to implement and manage development plans developed during PRA phase I and II. Men and women are the targeted audience during the training. The department had maintained a close interaction with local communities as well as with policy makers at village and district levels. To start with, the housing scheme is progressing relatively well; Electrification project is also going on well, some houses have been connected with power and TANESCO have opened an office at Sodexho where LUKU meters are being sold to customers. Within the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), the department is currently busy with capacity building activities through a series of training programmes such as train PRA committees formulated during PRA Phase II. Other training includes, Food Vending, gardening and farm management. The focus of such training had been to equip various committee members and local leaders with basic skills to be able to manage their community development plans. In its mission to empower farmers, The Community Development Department through the farmer's supporting scheme have engaged itself to improve agricultural practices in the communities by making sure that all gardeners in Bugarama ward are supported by being trained on improved gardening practices, providing them gardening inputs and finding them a market for their products. In July Food vendors drawn from all villages received training on PHAST, food preparation and nutrition. The PHAST approach helps people to feel more confident about themselves and their ability to take action and make improvements in their communities. Feelings of empowerment and personal growth are as important as the physical changes, such as cleaning up the environment or building latrines. The need to conduct training to food vendors was felt due to the fact that Mining activities tend to attract a large number of people and hence periodic rapid population increase. There is a large number of immigrants in villages around Buly mine site ( Kakola village in particular). Majority of these people including KMCL'S workforce rely on food vendors for food and drinks. Food quality and nutrition issues remain a challenge to be tacked if we need a healthy and happy workforce and the community at large. It is on the above ground that community development conducted the said training to enable food vendors prepare quality and nutritious.
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    Community development services: quarter 1 report 1st January - 31 March 2006
    (Barrick (Bulyanhulu), 2006) Barrick gold mine
    During the First Quarter of 2006 Community Department focused mainly on project planning and implementation of some plans that ranged from in-house operations and visits to the communities. The department had maintained a close interaction with local communities as well as with policy makers at district, regional as well as national levels. In an effort to strengthen the above interactions, the Department had embarked on a consultative process to inform itself of community development engagements through information sharing (submission of monthly reports, Bulletins and discussions). The challenges during the course of the first quarter had been a prolonged dry spell which affected most of our communities. It had been difficult for the community members to exercise a self-help attitude through both cash and in-kind contributions to their development plans. The department had then employed a number of initiatives aimed at giving support to local communities -focusing on food shortage. The supports referred here include supply of drought resistant seeds (sorghum) and short duration maize seeds worth 31,000$. KMCL also authorized funds (15,000$) to be donated to be donated to Kahama District Council to support the government initiatives for food relief. Within the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), the finalization of a number of tasks and especially the compilation of a 6 year plan of programmes took up a considerable time and we have the plans ready. Currently the department is busy with capacity building activities through a series of training programmes such as train PRA committees formulated during PRA Phase I. other training include leadership, small scale enterprising, gender and farm management. The focus of such training had been to equip various committee members and local leaders with basic skills to be able to manage their community development plans. We also implemented various on site activities during this period and this included provision of support in community construction and infrastructure development, social services like water rehabilitation, donations and site visits.
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    Quarterly social development compliance report April - June 2007
    (Barrick (Bulyanhulu), 2007) Barrick
    Social responsibility for BGML includes an array of programs and initiatives involving dialogue, communications, social effect assessments, community infrastructure development and charitable donations. This comprehensive approach is aimed at achieving two primary objectives as outlined in Barrick's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Charter. To acquire and maintain broad stakeholder support for the company's operations. To ensure that affected stakeholders gain net positive benefits from the mine development and operations. The dialogue and communication approach is based on carefully listening to the issues raised by the people and involve them in developing solutions to give them some ownership of the outcome. Consultation processes are organized, typically meetings with local community members on an on-going basis to discuss their concerns as well as to identify local resources, needs and their priorities on Health care, Education, Infrastructure development, Social facilities, Agriculture, Small Micro-Enterprises and Shelters development. The major outcome of the engagement to the community has been the design of a sustainable community development program to mitigate potential impacts risks which could provide benefits to the community and the business. Through a thorough stakeholder identification and analysis, BGM has in many occasions formed a partnership with non-governmental organizations so as to collectively facilitate community initiatives on long-term and beneficial resources development. As a major part of its community development efforts, BGML routinely identifies the potential social effects of the project to the community. As a result, through priorities and needs identification, BGML has developed comprehensive programs for employees and surrounding community. The benefits earned by the community under such community development programs have been in areas such as: Improvement of Education standards. Improvement of infrastructure. Upgraded health care facilities. Increased agricultural productivity. Technical innovations. Social service development. Human skills development ( capacity building).Enhancement of the local Capacities. Local procurement, and Employment of indigenous & local community members. The mutual benefits which have come along to the company following a committed Social Responsibility effort include the following: Reduction of social/business risk by identification of potential concerns of local communities. Facilitated strong relations with local, regional and national authorities which may aid business expansion. Maintain strong ties with local businesses which have a significant impact on operation cost reductions. Support the development of communities. Reduction of community overdependence to BGML. Enhancement of employees' satisfaction and improve the overall reputation of the company. Firming sustainable linkages with communities bordering BGML as a mechanism to reduce in built tension and creates trust as partners in development. The experience shows that; in areas where there is no vivid effort on social responsibility commitment the situation results into:- Lack or little support from the community on matters like sabotage crimes management. Negative publicity in the local, national or international press. Public criticism and protest. Work stoppages and strikes. Potential legal actions. As such, BGML looks at the community development programs and community support as fundamental components of business success. Therefore a trustworthy commitment to community sustainable development programs remains a viable on going challenge and commitment.
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    Monthly social development compliance report April – May 2007
    (Bulyanhulu gold mine Ltd, 2007) Barrick
    Bulyanhulu Gold Mine (BGM) Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Barrick Gold Corporation based in Canada, is responsible for development and management of Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Project. The project is located in northwest Tanzania, approximately 45 km south of Lake Victoria at an elevation of 1,200 meters above sea level. Construction of the project commenced in 1999 and was commissioned in March 2001. Apart from mining activities, BGM is highly committed to support rural development initiatives undertaken in line with the Government of Tanzania's community development goals. BGM aims at assisting communities in promoting participatory development and self-help spirit to reduce dependence. This is done by development of a tripartite relationship and approach, whereby BGM, District Council and the Community at large work together to solve problems facing them. This initiative is expected to raise standard of living of the people and increase ownership through community active participation to achieve sustainable Development. Community engagement at BGML is a continuous process began during exploration phase over construction through operations and will go to the time of closure. Effective community engagement facilitates cooperative relations with local stakeholders, provides a mechanism for monitoring public perception and enables the adaptation of project plans in response to community concerns. It also creates an understanding of the needs of the community which can be used to develop appropriate socio-economic development programs that will provide benefits beyond the life of the mine. An effective community engagement process, especially at the early stages, can set the tone of the relationship with the community for the entire mine life, and is therefore of critical importance. BGML's investments in community development activities aims at developing long-term partnerships with communities, employees, Government agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and other stakeholders in order to deliver significant and sustainable benefits to the communities and employees. Community Department at BGML through the Social Development Policy is to ensure that community development programmes are designed to promote sustainable economic growth, environmental protection, education, community capacity building, health and welfare of people directly or indirectly affected by mining activities. The focus is on the following key issues: In partnership with other key community stakeholders, BGML through community development services undertake programmes and activities which will lead to sustainable and integrated local development, and improvement in the quality of life for mine workers and existing residents in the area; to comply with all relevant Tanzanian legislation, as well as with the policies of Barrick Gold Corporation and BGM and the guidelines of the World Bank, regarding social development; and to build on BGML's strong reputation both within the country and in the international mining communities.
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    Quarterly social development compliance report January to March 2008
    (Barrick community development department, 2008) Barrick
    Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited (BGML) social responsibility includes an array of programs and initiatives involving dialogue, communications, social effect assessments, community infrastructure development and charitable donations. This comprehensive approach is aimed at achieving two primary objectives as outlined in the Barrick Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Charter i.e. to acquire and maintain broad stakeholder support for the company's operations and to ensure that affected stakeholders gain net positive benefits from the mine development and operations. During the reporting report of January — March 2008 different Social responsibility activities and engagements were undertaken by community development department at BGML. Housing scheme projects continued to provide BGML employees with decent uptown in two villages Ilogi and Bugarama. More employees continued to register for interest free House Loans; some employees withdrawn and returned their houses this month for several reasons such as resignation and termination from BGML employment. Farmers continued to supply fruits, vegetables and grains products to Sodexho. Monthly meetings were also held and price lists reviewed during the reporting period. Bio—Energy project paved path in progress by involving more members from the community for the out grower program. The demonstration farm continued very well by the end of first quarter. Students Sponsorship Initiatives have showed a better continuation by supporting more students in Bugarama, Lunguya, Kharumwa, Segese and Kakora wards. Community meetings, Consultations and Community engagements were done to various Community groups including Kakola Mushroom Farming, Bulyanhulu Carpentry, Ari Mpya kilimo, Aggregate crushing group, PRA committees and UWABU Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Union. BGML during the period provided material support on education to Kakola and Bugarama primary school children. In the period of January to March 2008 BGML hosted visitors including Presidential committee, Carlos & Ines from the Government of Canada. Bulyanhulu Gold Mine nursery school children visited Bugarama primary school pupils in order to support learning materials and interacting each other.