Perils of rural Tanzanian windows: effects of cultural practices related to widowhood in Massasi district, Mtwara region

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University of Dar es Salaam,
The need to bring about gender equality and equity across the World and in developing world is enormous something which is also expressed in the Millennium Development Goal number 3. This study sought to assess Perils of Rural Tanzanian Widows focusing on effects of cultural practices which are related to widowhood in Masasi District Mtwara Region. Primary data were Primary data were obtained through household surveys using questionnaires, supplemented by direct observation and photo-taking. In-depth .Interviews was also conducted with the widows and non-widows as well as group discussions to get detailed and different views at once. Secondary data were obtained from both published and analyzed quantitatively using simple descriptive statistical methods unpublished sources obtained from different libraries and institutions. Quantitative data were percentage and cross tabulations whereas qualitative data were analyzed qualitative by the use of content analysis method. The major findings show that, in order to "make ends meet", that is to balance things in gender perspectives Masasi district has been trying o take measures against traditions and practices which are said to discriminate some women groups particularly in this study widows are concerned. These announced bad traditions which bring about perils or widows are things like widow cleansing, widow inheritance, tradition property ownership system which also favors male spouses. Also there are some cases on the issue of unfair treatment to widows and children from the deceased relatives especially when there are some notable assets and wealthy stuffs. Furthermore, it was found that the major reason for all these perils is education. People are still full of those bad and discriminative ways a lire which are obvious favoring males to a great extent. Because of all these now the Government and non- governmental organizations are working hand in hand with the community so as to stop on these cultural practices which are bringing inequality. CHAWAMASI is one of these non-Governmental organizations which its members are all widows who passed through different ways of life, now they are helping other people through education and legal aids. Based on the findings, it is recommended that existing legislation for protecting the property rights of Tanzanian women married under customary and non- customary laws need to be revised and strengthened. Also, traditional leaders should also be allowed to certif.)/ marriages. This will help deal with accessibility of legal procedures in marriages at a more local level and enable the majority of women to have registered marriages. All legal marriages in the country should be unified under a single legislative framework. Moreover there is a great need to rejuvenate and re-orient property inheritance laws amongst the custodians of law; including traditional leaders, to re-energize and re-inculcate in them the principles of law of succession, particularly Intestate Succession. in these endeavors, emphasis needs to be made in cases of customary marriages to which the majority of women succumb in Tanzania.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HV700.T34P47)
gender equality, developing world, Millennium Development, Perils, Masasi District, Mtwara Region, Tanzania, Widow
Peter, S (2012),Perils of rural Tanzanian windows: effects of cultural practices related to widowhood in Massasi district, Mtwara region,Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam