Assessing the effects of nutrition and treatment in cholera dynamics the case of Malawi

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University of Dar es Salaam
While cholera has been a recognised disease for a long time, the control of deadly out- breaks remains a challenge. In this study we formulate a basic mathematical cholera model that extend to incorporate nutrition and treatment as control strategies in curtailing the disease. The equilibrium points of the cholera models are determined. The disease-free equilibrium points are shown to be locally and globally asymptotically stable, using the next generation matrix and comparison theory approaches respectively. We perform sensitivity analysis on the key parameters driving the disease dynamics in order to determine their relative importance in the cholera dynamics, in this particular study. Graphical representations are provided as a way of supporting the analytica] results. Numerical results indicate that the cholera epidemic can be reduced when both Interventions, nutrition and treatment, are implemented. This result is shown by com- paring the basic, (Ro), nutrition-induced, (ReN), treatment-induced, (ReT), and both nutrition and treatment-induced, (Re), reproduction numbers. The study concludes by recommending the exploration of other interventions to supplement the nutrition strategy.
nutrition, nutrition, treatment, Malawi
Kadaleka, S.(2011) Assessing the effects of nutrition and treatment in cholera dynamics the case of Malawi. Masters dissertation, university of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.