The role of Computerized Management Information System in Project Performance: case of national Service Corporation Sole’s Argi-Machinery Project, Tanzania
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Following the desire for increased competitive advantage amidst market shift, many have become project –oriented and technology forms a basis for project planning, monitoring and decision making. Although use of computerized Project Management Information System (PMIS) is well established in the developed world, the adoption in most of the developing countries (Tanzania included) has been slow until recently. Despite the use, it still uncertain as to what extent locally developed PMIS might have contributed to project performance. The current study aimed at examining the contribution of a locally programmed PMIS in the performance using the Tanzania’s National Services Corporation Sole’s Agri-Machinery Project As Case. The study specifically assessed the level of PMIS utilization, its efficiency and applicability. The data were gathered from key informants (system users) and clients through questionnaires and personal observation methods. The results indicated that utilization of the local PMISA (Workflow Robot) at the study sire was reported to be very low, thought there were generally satisfaction by clients with the service delivered. The most of the project information had been handled manually in hard flat files. The use of PMIS had no significant influence on the project performance (Chi square test :p=0.506. unreliable power supply, unstable network connection instability and limited internet speed, lack of proper of data backup system and unfriendly functionality of the Workflow Robot, were the main challenges reported to hinder the full used of the system. The study recommends that for the Agri-machinery project need an improved, comfortable (user friendly) system operated under reliable and high speed network environment. The PMIS users need training to keep them updated with the technology