Community responses to the impact of climate change and variability in Mlingotini and Kondo villages Bagamoyo district, Tanzania
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This study was conducted in Mlingotini and Kondo Villages in Bagamoyo District. The study aimed at investigating community responses to the impact of climate variability in Mlingotini and Kondo Villages. Primary and secondary data were collected using quantitative and qualitative methods; Primary data were collected from 10% of respondents interviewed in each village. Secondary data were obtained from trend computer software, SPSS version 20 and Microsoft excel were used in data analysis. Fishing and agriculture are the major livelihood activities in Mlingotini and Kondo Villages. Unreliable and early cessations of rainfalls have decreased fish catches and agriculture production. Fishers respond to climate variability through conducting deep sea fishing due to the decrease in fish catch in nearby shallow ocean shores. Another response strategy is the use of improved and better fishing gears such as engine boats and fishing nets used for fishing long distances on the ocean. Fishers also respond by shifting to other livelihood activities such as business. Farmers respond to the impact of climate variability by changing planting calendar whereby they are planting early immediately after the early rains so as to cope with unreliable and early cessation of rainfalls. Farmers also start to apply agrochemicals due to the increase of agricultural pests and diseases. The study recommends provision of community education on climate change, its related impacts and better adaptation options on fishing and agriculture. Modern fishing gears for fishers are required to improve fish catches, while fast maturing and drought resistance crop varieties are required to improve crop yields.