Assessment of barriers to climate change adaptation by smallholder farmers in Dodoma city
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The main focus of this study was to investigate the major barriers which hinder to effective adaptation among the smallholder farmers. This study was conducted in Dodoma City whereby, Multistage sampling techniques was used to sample four villages and wards while simple random and purposive technique was used to select sample size from the population sample. The total of 150 of respondents from all four villages was selected for data were collected. Primary data were collected by different research methods includes key informants interview. FGD, household survey and field observation. Secondary data were obtained through reviewing published and unpublished materials, and data on rainfall and temperature trends was obtained from TMA in Dodoma station. The quantitative data collected from household survey were coded and edited in SPSS 20 version and Microsoft excel while descriptive statistics was used to summarize data in terms of mean, percentage and frequencies while charts, tablets and graphs were used to present quantitatively analyzed data. Moreover, factors of barriers to adaptation by smallholder farmers, whereby the variables that were loaded by 0.477 were not used and those factors loaded more than one barrier were also rejected. The results show that the smallholder farmers perceived temperature increase with the decreases of rainfall cover time. These data corresponded with those obtained from TMA Dodoma station. These data corresponded with those obtained from TMA Dodoma station. These fluctuations had several impacts on agriculture production. Among the impact mentioned by the respondents included; recurrent drought, water shortage and spread of pets and diseases. Apparently, farmers have developed both short term and long-term adaptation. The short- term measures adopted by farmers were off-farm activities; sell assets and buy food, reduce number or meals in a day, purchasing food on credit and borrow food from neighbors or relatives. The major long-term adaptation mechanisms opted by farmers were planting drought tolerant crops, early planting and application of manure. Furthermore, the smallholder farmers identified barriers which hindering to effective adaptation includes; lack of credit, high cost of processing facilities, financial constraints, low income, lack of education and skills among the farmers, traditional beliefs, land conflicts poor weather forecasting and early warming sign as well as lack of institutional support.