Factors Contributing To Poor Teaching By Primary School Teachers A Case Study Of Musoma Urban District
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The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that contribute to poor teaching by primary school teachers in Tanzania with focus on Musoma Urban District. The study had the following specific objectives to access primary school teachers qualification to assess primary schools performance against inspected and non-inspected ones; to examine the contribution of the central government and district council (local government) towards primary school teaching aspects and to assess community participation in primary schools.The study also investigated seven variables that were assumed to have an impact on poor teaching by primary school teachers. These included; teachers ‘ education qualifications, schools’ requirements, pupils per teachers ratio, pupils dropout rates, in –service training, school inspection and pupils’ poor performance. Respondents includes grade iiiA teachers, grade iiiB/C teachers, primary school inspectors, District Education Officers, head teachers, Ward Education Coordinators pupils ‘parents and Ministry officers. Data collection encompassed interviews and questionnaires. Other data collection methods included documentary reviews and classroom observations. Documentary review covered primary as well as secondary sources of information. Secondary sources included attendance reports, examination result and school inspectors’ reports, included journals, papers and related textual materials. Interviews were semi-structured and were administered to some respondents using questionnaires which were both closed-ended and open ended. The study revealed that Universal primary education (UPE) teachers were not only the causal factors for poor teaching by primary school teachers, but also the problem was largely contributed by many variable such as lack of in-services training, high level of poverty, parents’ low level of awareness, family conflicts, frequent changes in schools curricular, lack of teaching as well as learning materials, low salaries and lack of competent teachers to teach complicated subjects. In due regard several recommendations have been suggested for futher action in order to salvage the situation.