The peoples of the happy valley (east Africa: The aboriginal races of Kondoa Irangi: Part iii the Sandawi

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Nothing definite can be written concerning the remote history of the Sandawi, and I have already dealt with my personal theory as to their origin. Their tribal traditions state that they came from the north. It would seem that, though they have never extended to the south—probably the Bantu were already there—originally they lived as scat¬tered clans and families over a very much wider area than now, and became concentrated by the converging pressure of Bantu and Hamite. Originally they were hunting nomads. If my theory that they are a remnant of a larger tribe destroyed by the Bantu is correct, possibly they had been forced down the social scale and had lost their cattle and the art of cultivation when driven into the bush. Certainly, as opposed to the Bushman proper, they quickly developed both pastoral and agricultural instincts as soon as circumstances permitted. The Sandawi live in the wide fork formed by the junction of the Bubu and Mponde rivers, which they share, incidentally, with a section of Wanyaturu some 5,000 strong, who for generations have lived with them, accepting the rule of the Sandawi headmen. These Wanyaturu, nearly all of whom speak the Sandawi language in addition to their own Bantu tongue, are rapidly becoming absorbed into the tribe. The Sandawi proper number only about 15,000, and, though it would seem that their numbers are increasing, their large country is by no means thickly populated.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr Wilbert Chagula Library, (EAF FOS P39)
happy valley, east Africa, sandawi
Parkipuny, M.L. (1993) The peoples of the happy valley (east africa: The aboriginal races of Kondoa Irangi: Part iii the sandawi