Exploring Stakeholders Perception on the Implementation of free Primary Education Policy in Tanzania



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University of Dar es salaam


The purpose of this study was to explore the stakeholders’ perceptions on the implementation of free primary education policy in Zanzibar. The objectives of the study were to establish the parent’s, teachers’ and pupils perceptions on the free primary education policy in Zanzibar, to examine how free primary educations policy increase access to pupils schooling in Zanzibar and third to determine the challenges in implementation of free primary education policy in Zanzibar. The study applied qualitative research approach and used case study design. The study also adopted CIPP(Context Input, Process And Product) model to explore the stakeholder perceptions of the implementation of free primary education policy in Zanzibar. The study was conducted in Zanzibar in Micheweni Disrtrict whereby five public primary schools were included. The study used purposive and snowballing sampling techniques in obtaining participants of the study . the study sample comprised of 70 participants including 20pupils, 20 primary school teachers, 5 head teachers, 13 parents, 10 truant pupils, 1 Regional Education Officer and I District education officers. Data were collected through observation, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. The data were analyzed through content analysis strategy. The findings show that there were two different perception in defining FPE, the first one being the parents perceived FPE policy as an absolutely free education whereas all learning requirements for pupils are provided by the government and other believed that free primary education means free fees, whereby parents will not be paying school fees, but they are responsible for other education costs such as school uniform, stationaries, transport, health facilities and meals. Furthermore the findings indicated that, the free primary education provided in Zanzibar does not help many children in schooling especially those from poor families, vulnerable and orphans. Also, the study established that, to some extent FPE policy has increased access to pupils’ schooling in Zanzibar through abolition of school fees, providing free academic materials such as text books and exercise books to all pupils. It also emerged that, the e in order to improve learning and teaching process in Zanzibar, the government should provide adequate physical facilities instructional materials and other school needs. Likewise educational stakeholders and policy makers should educate stakeholders including parents on the importance of education to children’s future life so as to capture their participation in learning process.


Available in print form, East Africana collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF LB1507.Z3K425)


Education primary, Education and state, Education compulsory, Parent’s participation, Zanzibar


Khamis, M. K.(2020)Exploring Stakeholders Perception on the Implementation of free Primary Education Policy in Tanzania,Masters dissertation,University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.