Impact of farmer-pastorist conflicts on livelihood and conservation around Mikumi national park.
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Farmer-pastoralist conflicts have been reported in different parts of Africa, in most cases, resource scarcity has been presented as the main reason for such conflicts. In Tanzania, farmers and pastoralists have found themselves in conflicts; sometimes have resulted in loss of lives and destruction of crops and other assets. This study was therefore conducted to assess the impacts of farmer pastoralist conflicts to livelihood and conservation around Mikumi National Park. Specifically, the study intended to explore the magnitude of the conflict, to examine the changes of these conflicts over time since 2010 and also to determine the main causes and effects. The study was conducted in two villages namely, Doma and Mikumi. Data were mainly collected using house hold questionnaire interviews, key informant interviews, group discussions and observations. A random sampling technique was used during questionnaire survey whereby, a total of 146 respondents were interviewed. Data were analyzed using Statistical package for social science (SPSS) and excel programs. The study proved that there was a farmer- pastoralist conflict in the study area and the main causes were competition over resources, particularly water, land and pasture. The ongoing conflicts affected both human livelihoods and conservation of Mikumi National Park as it resulted into increase of environmental dependent activities such as illegal charcoal harvesting. Based on the findings, agent intervention is needed to identify new, and improve existing strategies for managing and conservation of these crucial resources in order to reduce conflicts.