Food security in a changing climate: the case of pastoral communities in Moroto district, Uganda
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study aimed at examining how changing climate and variability affects food security among pastoral communities in Moroto District, Uganda. Employing a combination of participatory research approaches and household surveys, the examined pastoral community’s perception of a changing climate and variability and assessed its effects on food security in pastoral communities. The study further analyzed the coping mechanisms and adaptation strategies towards enhancing food security amidst a changing climate; and examined challenges and opportunities for climate change of adaptation by pastoral communities. Findings revealed that 99.9% of food security issues were directly attributed to a changing climate caused majorly by deforestation and uncontrolled burning, which was witnessed through prolonged drought with severity in temperature elevations. Specifically, 54.8% reported extreme drought, 20.0% observed chronic water shortages, 15.4% reported prevalence of dangerous pests and diseases to livestock, while 9.8% reported lack of pasture for livestock. The study established adaptation strategies by government and other partners towards enhancing food security among communities amidst climate change. Emphasis was put on diversification of livelihoods (54.6%), fodder conservation (28.1%), deworming and vaccination of animals and poultry (19.0%) and government support in water provision. However, socio- economic factors were reported as key challenges to adaptation option. Despite the challenges, 78.4% of respondents revealed that use of well packaged and timely dissemination of meteorological information, coupled with local knowledge would help pastoral communities make informed decisions towards coping with the situation and improve their food security livelihoods.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF S600.64.U33B32)
Climate and crops, Food Security, Moroto distric, Moroto district, Uganda
Babra, A. (2017) Food security in a changing climate: the case of pastoral communities in Moroto district, Uganda, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.