Effectiveness of television programmes in promoting Tanzania's domestic tourism : a case Study of Channel Ten's Utalii wa Ndani'
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This study determined the effectiveness of television programmes in promoting domestic tourism in Tanzania using Channel Ten as a case study. The study deployed a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect and analyse the research data. Under the quantitative method, the questionnaire was used to collect data from television viewers of Kinondoni Municipality at Sinza, Ubungo and Makumbusho wards. With qualitative method, an interview was done with the producer and editor of "Utalii wa Ndani" programme to get the ways of improving the packaging of the programme to enhance its receptiveness and effectiveness. The study found that, although television programmes such as "Utalii wa Ndani" aired by Channel Ten have the potential of fostering domestic tourism, there was limited follow-up actions resulting from watching the programme. There was hardly any follow-up education of the viewers on the importance of visiting the sites physically after watching them on the television screen. In addition, the "Utalii wa Ndani" programme has a short airtime when the majority of the respondents demanded additional time. On the basis of these findings, the study concludes that television has the potential of promoting domestic tourism in Tanzania; however, there was a need to repackage these programmes to make them more effective. It is, therefore recommended that, the programmes should be packaged to educate viewers on the importance of domestic tourism, inspire locals to have interest to visit the sites, elongate the airtime with enhanced creativity, and encourage the use of corporate sponsorship to have packages for viewers that would allow them to sample the sites and their experiences aired on TV to serve as an encouragement to others.