An assessment of the capacity building initiatives in ensuring sustainable rural water supply Projects in Kisarawe District, Tanzania
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This research aimed to asses’ sustainability of rural water supply project (RWSP) through capacity building interactive undertaken and community involvement. The research used Kisarawe district as the geographical research area with the desire to respond to three main objectives. The first objective was to examine the capacity building initiatives undertaken during water supply projects initiation; second objective to evaluate community involvement during implementation of rural water supply project and last specific objective was to appraise the sustainability of rural water supply projects. The research employed community -participatory approach to review several empirical studies and it was revealed that community participation is limited to the majority of rural water Supply Project (RWSP) in Africa and Tanzania in particular. Exploratory sequential design was employed to gather information from participants including 135 local communities and 5 official from local government authorities probability proportionate to size (PPS) was used to determine sample size for four villages that are Kibuta, Mzenga, ‘A” Mzenga “B” and Msanga Methods of data collection employed were; household survey using questionnaire, in –depth interviews, observation and documents review. Quantitative data analysis used Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS ) version 22 while that of qualitative used content analysis approach. Generally, evidence from literature reviewed evidence from and findings of this research revealed communities played great part during initiation of RWSP through cash and labor contribution. After contraction of water schemes COWSO were entrusted to manage operational and maintenance of water infrastructure on behalf of communities. However, the findings showed that COWSO lacked financial and technical capabilities to ensure that the improvement on water supply as observed and sustained. Also it was revealed that; there is limited or lack of communities’ involvement and participation in RWSP after construction of water schemes. The research then concludes that, When communities are adequately involved in all stages of RWSP is helps to create sense of ownership over the constructed water infrastructures hence it helps towards communities readiness on the contribution in operational and maintenance of such infrastructures. It is therefore recommended that, when implementing a project that affects livelihood of local communities it is vital for such local communities to be adequately involved and participate in all stages of the project. This will help to transform the intentions and goals of the project to local communities, hence influence sustainability of such project. It is important that the government should make sure availability of rural water policy to community members so as to create awareness on policy issues. Also, cross sectional research between Kisarawe district and other administrative areas should be conducted. This will help to compare experiences of different communities who implement rural water supply project, and this will help to add value on observed findings in this research.