Access to and use of information by district planning officers in Tanzania: a case of selected councils in Dodoma region

dc.contributor.authorChiduo, Peter Mauya
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study investigated access to and use of information for planning in the selected district councils of Dodoma region, Tanzania. The study worked on the premise that adequate and effective access and use information by district planning officers would enhance planning activities. The study used the questionnaire, interview guide, observation, and documentary review to collect ream site data. The study established that there was a lack of information searching skills, lack of funds and, hence lack of adequate information resources and services. Moreover, the rural information centres were found to be too inadequate to render vital information services. Also, the Information centres' hours hindered the OPO's from using information centres. However, many OPO's have a sense of information inadequacy and anxiety. They also lack development information. Inadequate information infrastructure and the absence of information policy hindered access to and use of information. The study, therefore, recommends the information system of LGA's should outline the support that information specialists can provide to enable planners to acquire requisite information, they should embed information literacy into their planning activities, and priorities adequate provision of funds necessary for the provision of current and updated information resources to all district councils for planners to utilise these resources for planning purposes. The LGA's should also design Information Systems Management for planners and establish rural community information centre system; in addition to developing the information infrastructure in all districts in Tanzania.en_US
dc.identifier.citationChiduo, P. M.(2016) Access to and use of information by district planning officers in Tanzania: a case of selected councils in Dodoma region, Masters’ dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectInformation servicesen_US
dc.subjectDistrict planning officersen_US
dc.subjectDodoma regionen_US
dc.titleAccess to and use of information by district planning officers in Tanzania: a case of selected councils in Dodoma regionen_US