Administration of justice through the use of ICT in Tanzania: a case of courts in Dar es Salaam

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Unversity of Dar es Salaam
The aim of this study was to assess the factors influencing the use of ICT in the administration of justice in Tanzania. The study was undertaken using the courts in Dar es Salaam region as a case study. Respondents who were involved in the study were 120 and were randomly selected. Data obtained were analyzed using SPSS to obtain the factors which influence the use of ICT in the administration of justice. Findings show that ICT within the judiciary is mostly used for typing, printing and photocopying judgments, orders and proceedings. The individual factors which influence the ICT use in the administration of justice process are the individuals‟ perception towards ICT, inaccessibility to computer facilities and the level of individuals‟ computer training. The technological factors that influence the use of ICT in courts are the unavailability of infrastructures for ICT development, incompatibility of the available systems with users and use, low quality of the system and inadequate troubleshooting. Additionally, the management factors found to affect ICT development in justice system are; inadequate financial resources, lesser commitment of the management to ICT development and failure to consult users before adopting Information Systems, while the organization factors was the conservative perception that ICT is not part of the judiciary culture. Finally, the finding have shown that, development of ICT for administration of justice in Tanzania is far from having the necessary technologies such as case tracking and management, courtroom technologies such as audio recording devices, video conference systems and internet connections. These technologies touch the key areas in the administration of justice processes. It is thus recommended that efforts should be made to ensure that ICT is deployed to the maximum level to ensure unimpeded access to justice and dispensing quality and speedy justice through accountability, transparency and fairness in the judiciary.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF JC578.T34H66)
Courts, Justice, Administration of, Information technology, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Hongoli, L. H. (2014) Administration of justice through the use of ICT in Tanzania: a case of courts in Dar es Salaam, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam