Tanzania's natural heritage

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Tanzanians welcome tourists to their country to share with them their rich heritage of wildlife and other unique tourist attractions. Within Tanzania 934,400 km area are to be found some of the mildest and most exciting varieties of wildlife in the Whole world. Over four million wild animals roam within Tanzania's border. These include the majority of African game animals ranging from the "BIG FIVE” - elephant, rhino, lion leopard and buffalo which are to be under in most parts of the country in abundance, to cheetah, hunting dogs, and hyena. Also they are host of antelope, rare oryx generuk and the gazelles- generally referred to as the northern species and the Puku sable antelope, southern Reed-buck known as the Southern species Sub-species of the main species are also found e.g. the East African Eland, the Livingstone, the Hippotragus, Niger and the East African sable (also known as Roosevelt). Such is the wealth of Tanzania's wildlife, which will make you always remember your visit and say: THIS IS TANZANIA-.The Government has set aside vast areas of land for national parks, game reserves and game controlled areas with wildlife concentration and variety unparalleled anywhere else in Africa and indeed in the whole world. It is also doing its best" to protect wildlife areas for education, tourism, recreation and above all posterity. There are twelve national parks in the country most of which are concentrated in the "Northern Tourist Circuit" and the rest ore scattered in other parts of the country
Available in print form, EAF Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library (EAF FOS F78.T34)
National Parks, Travel consultants, Giant creaters, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
Fosbrooke, Henry A. (1951) Tanzania's natural heritage