Personnel records management in the public sector and its impact on the payment of pension: a case study of selected ministries and government agency



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University of Dar es Salaam


The study aimed at examining the management of personnel records in the public sector and its impact on the payment of pension. A sample of 65 respondents was involved in the study from three ministries and one government agency (that is, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Ministry of Finance, President's office Public Service Management and Public Service Pension Fund). Convenient and purposive sampling was used as sampling techniques. The study used questionnaires, face to face interviews and participant observation as data collection methods. The findings of the study revealed that the state of personnel records management in ministries and departments is still very poor to the extent that there is hardly any accurate and complete information to provide evidence for a transaction. Information used to create records in personnel files and databases is inaccurate and incomplete. Constraints accounting for this include poor and inadequate facilities, poor skills and knowledge in records management among custodians of records, communication breakdown between employers and employees, lack of public awareness of the importance of records, negligence on the part of the administration and meager allocation of funds to Records Management units. The study concluded that lack of comprehensive Records Management Policy underlies the root cause of other problems in records management. The study recommends the following to ensure improvement in records management: formulation of a comprehensive records management policy; training records staff in records management; automate records; a need for a master file for public servants; and rising awareness of all employees on the importance of records. If these recommendations are effectively and concurrently implemented, it can improve management of records in ministries and departments.


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Records management, Personel records, Tanzania


Lyaruu, T. M. (2005) Personnel records management in the public sector and its impact on the payment of pension: a case study of selected ministries and government agency, Masters’ dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (