The impact of externalities on the efficiency of a database management system in the National Bank of Commerce

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University of Dar es Salaam
The National Bank of Commerce is the leading commercial bank in Tanzania. For the last two decades, this bank has been enjoying monopoly in the business and due to that it operated under a closed system. It has been observed that complaints from various customers receiving bank services has been an order of the day. Having liberalised the economy including the financial sector, private banks both local and international have been allowed to operate in the country. This posed a challenge to the NBC whereby improved customer services was the immediate objective to be accomplished. Therefore, the bank embarked on a computerisation programme of its entire business operations. This study empirically examined the impact of computer literacy, technical know-how (knowledge), and consumption rate of processed information on the Efficiency of Database Management System. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitatively, a theoretical coverage was made on various variables and the their relationship with the Efficiency of Database Management System was established. Then three variables were chosen for analysis purpose. Quantitatively, the log linear ordinary least square method was used to establish the strength of relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable (i.e. Efficiency of Database Management System). The findings have indicated that there is a very strong correlation between computer literacy and Efficiency of Database Management System. Also it has been found that there is a positive relationship between efficiency of Database Management System and technical know-how (knowledge). Furthermore, it has been observed that there is a positive relationship between consumption rate of processed information and the Efficiency of Database Management system. Finally the study winds up by making recommendations that are expected to be a useful input to the NBC Management. First, computer illiteracy has to be wiped out by comprehensive training of computer end-users. Secondly, the technical knowledge has to be imparted to existing technocrats and recruitment of competent ones when the need arises. Lastly, consumption of processed information has to be at a reasonable rate especially top management to facilitate feedback and controls.
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Computer science (Mathematics), Computers, Computer storage devices, Data terminals (computers), National Bank of Commerce, Tanzania
Mtengule, Y. H. N (1994) The impact of externalities on the efficiency of a database management system in the National Bank of Commerce,Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )