Aspects of Kinyakyusa phonology: the case of Kimwamba Dialect

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study describes some phonological •aspects of Kinyakyusa from a primarily descriptive point of view, taking Kimwamba dialect as a case study. As far as I know there are very few studies on Kinyakyusa language that have so far been done. Therefore, this study is done so as to fill the gap of knowledge caused by scarce written linguistic materials of Kinyakyusa language, Kimwamba dialect to be more precise. In studying the aspects of Kimwamba phonology, this study uses the framework of Generative Phonology (henceforth GP) taking into consideration both the standard Model (SGP) and the Extended Models' points of view. The findings of this study show that Kimwamba dialect has a sound inventory of fourteen vowel phonemes (seven short vowels and seven long vowels), fourteen consonants, two glides and two pre-nasalized consonants. The study also presents sound combinations and sound sequences of Kimwamba dialect which are: $ V $, $ CV $, $ NCV, $ CGV and $ NCGV $. Moreover, the study presents four phonological processes that affect vowels and three that affect consonants. Recommendation for further studies includes aspects of suprasegmentally phonology of Kimwamba dialect and Kinyakyusa language as a whole. It is also worth pointing out here that this study is a description of Kinyakyusa phonology, with special reference to only one dialect, namely, Kimwamba. There is a need to study other Kinyakyusa dialects too for comparative purposes.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF PL8538.S25)
Ngondo language, Nyakyusa language, Mwamba language, Dialects, Phonology
Samwel, M. (2008) Aspects of Kinyakyusa phonology: the case of Kimwamba Dialect, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.