Effectiveness of environmental Impact Assessment in Tanzania - Buzwagi Gold Mine
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This study aimed to assess the Effectiveness of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Tanzania — Buzwagi Gold mine. It was conducted in 2015 within Mwendakulima Ward in Kahama town Council where the mine is located. Data collection methods included review of the BGM EIS, household's questionnaires interviews, Focus Group Discussion, Key informants’ interview and personal field observation. A sample of 161 households was randomly selected from four (4) mitaa namely: Mwendakulima, Busalala, Mwime and Chapulwa. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20 computer program. Several factors influencing the EIA were identified. The most significant factors were; the BGM EIA did not fulfill the requirement of the EIA and Audit regulations, 2005 and EMA, 2004. Generally, these factors had implications on decision making and poor impacts identification and assessment which resulted to significant negative environmental impacts. Settlements in the ward were too close to the BGM and some in the wind direction. The community members were affected. Hence; the BGM EIA was not effective. Data collection problems included respondents' biases especially the BGM mining authorities were not cooperative. Also, some of the pieces of information concerning with the BGM EIA were not provided by the NEMC authorities as was requested. Problems were tackled through regular contact and visit. The recommendations were directed to the Buzwagi Gold mine and relevant Government institutions. The findings of the research have revealed the current status of the EIA and the source of the problems facing the communities residing near the mining areas in Tanzania.