Relevance of environmental education content in geography towards solving environmental problems in Tanzania: the case of ordinary level secondary schools in Hai District



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University of Dar es Salaam


The study explored the relevance of Environmental Education (EE) Content in geography towards solving Environmental problems in Tanzania. The study specifically aimed at evaluating the geography curricula package with a focus to EE themes, teachers and student`s knowledge and skills on EE themes towards environmental management. Reviewed literature indicated that EE introduced into secondary education through multidisciplinary approach. Extensive literature has analyzed the state of our environment through assessment of man-environment relationship hence the former caused adverse effects on the later, thus environmental problems. Conceptual framework was adopted from stufflebeam 1971 CIPP model. The sample population included secondary schools in Hai District, of whom students were 234, heads of school were 6, heads of geography departments were 6, and geography teachers were 11. Data was collected through observation schedules, questionnaires, interview and documentary review. Data collected from the field which were quantitatively based were coded for analysis in terms of frequencies, and percentages using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS); and qualitatively based were subjected to content was largely found in geography syllabus using multidisciplinary approach. However, it was found that EE in secondary education was not relevant in solving the current environmental problems in Tanzania due to, among several reasons, lack of trained teachers on themes of EE. To make EE relevant to the contemporary environmental problems, the study recommended the need to train teachers on EE content through pre-service and in-service programmes, including seminars and workshops. Also, there should be a need to supplement EE with non-formal education so as to raise a holistic awareness on environmental management and sustainability for the present and future generations.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF GE90.T34N3753)


Environmental education, Primary schools, Tanzania


Ndeskoi, T. T (2007) Relevance of environmental education content in geography towards solving environmental problems in Tanzania: the case of ordinary level secondary schools in Hai District, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.