An investigation into ICT training needs of teachers in selected secondary schools in Tanzania: a case study of Dar es Salaam region



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University of Dar es Salaam


This study investigated ICT Training needs of Teachers in Secondary schools in Tanzania.68 randomly and purposively selected respondents participated in this study. They included secondary school teachers, school inspectors and MoEVT officials. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam. Structured and standardized questionnaires with open and closed -ended questions were used to collect data for this study. Interviews and observations were also conducted to supplement the questionnaire. Key findings of this study revealed that a majority of the teachers were not information literate and as a result could not effectively implement the secondary school computer studies syllabus let alone integrate ICT in teaching and learning due to lack of training opportunities. Based on the key findings, the study recommends that the Ministry of Education and Vocational Studies should embark on capacity building in order to enhance teachers' information and ICT literacy skills. It is further recommended that, MoEVT should allocate adequate resources for strengthening school libraries and development of ICT infrastructure. Similarly, ICT policy guidelines should be created specifically for secondary schools to support implementation and application of ICT in schools. Furthermore, each school should hire at least one ICT Technical support person in order to promote effective use and integration of ICT into teaching and learning


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High school teachers, Education, Secondary, Teachers, Information technology, In-service training, Tanzania


Silayo, E. E. (2008) An investigation into ICT training needs of teachers in selected secondary schools in Tanzania: a case study of Dar es Salaam region, Masters’ dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (