Analysis of pesticides in some fruits, vegetables and soils from selected farms in Morogoro region, Tanzania.



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University of Dar es Salaam


The increase in food demand has lead to a wide use of pesticides applications for agricultural production which has caused negative impact on human health through residues concentration in foods. This study aimed in finding out the levels of pesticide residues in some fruits, vegetables and soils of Morogoro region, Tanzania. Samples were collected randomly and analysed by using WHO method of Sample preparation was carried out using the method, known as the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS). A total of 120 vegetable, fruit and soil samples collected from Morogoro farms were analysed for pesticide residue concentrations. The samples were collected from Dakawa, Mgeta, Mlali and Kingolwira farms. Endosulfan, primiphos, bifenthrin, DDT, o,p’ DDE, p,p’ DDD, cypermethrin, dimethoate, fenthion and cyhalothrin residues were found with lower concentrations in fruits and vegatables collected from Mlali and Mgeta farms. All the samples analyzed were found contaminated with low levels of pesticides compared to Maximum Residues Limits (MRL) of CODEX recommended levels. Low concentration of cyhalothrin was found only in soil samples from Dakawa, however no pesticide residues were detected in fruits and vegetables from Dakawa and Kingolwira farms. Although the pesticides concentrations were below the MRLs it is recommended to assess the risk to human health derived from long term consumption of fruits and vegetables, since there is a possibility of attaining higher levels due to bioconcentration.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library


Pesticide residues, Agricultural production, Dakawa farm, Mgeta farm, Mlali farm, Kingolwira farm, Morogoro region, Tanzania


Mwakisambwe, N. (2018). Analysis of pesticides in some fruits, vegetables and soils from selected farms in Morogoro region, Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.