Study on unintended consequences of coping mechanisms adapted by the unemployed youths in cities: a case study of Mbeya city, Tanzania
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The study was investigating the role of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in reducing Gender Based Violence in Kilosa District-Morogoro. It focus on examining economic and cultural factors that lead to GBV, assessing forms of GBV found in study area, strategies used by CSOs in reducing GBV, capacity of CSOs that enhances reduction of GBV and examining challenges that face CSOs in reducing GBV in the District . The sample size of 82 respondents was selected by using stratified sampling, purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the data collection. A qualitative method used in this study includes face to face interview and focus group discussion, where quantitative method includes questionnaire administration and documentary review. Analysis of data was done with the use of (SPSS) version16.0 and Microsoft office Excel. The findings revealed economic and cultural factors underlying causes of GBV including poverty, alcoholic addiction, low awareness in accessing GBV services, patriarchy and harmful traditional practices. Common forms of GBV include: physical, psychological, sexual and economic violence. Furthermore, strategies in reducing/preventing GBV include lobbying and campaigning, advocacy, collaboration and collective action and use of media. Recommendations emanating from the findings include: CSOs should institute a sub office and recruit expertise in each program in the rural area where GBV cases most frequently occur in order to increase efficiency in services provision in rural areas. The community member also should break the culture of silence by reporting any incidence related to GBV. Other recommendations are related to reviewing of policy and legal to strict protect youth against any form of GBV.