The impact of adult education on the utilization of indigenous skills for the advancement of technology in the agricultural sector in Tanzania: the case study of Mwanga district, Kilimanjaro region

dc.contributor.authorMjema, William Isaacs
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate on how post literacy programmes could be used to impart relevant modern technology to the peasants by using relevant indigenous skills in the agricultural sector in Mwanga district, Kilimanjaro region. A model which was seen as being appropriate was the CIPS model in which CIPS stood for Community Information and Planning Model. A total of six research questions were used to study the impact of post literacy programmes on the utilization of indigenous skills for the development of modern technology especially in the agricultural sector. The sample population of the study consisted of four wards with 90 respondents who were post literacy learners (74) ward adult education co-ordinators (4) extension officers (5) teachers (6) and 1 SIDO manager. Three methods of collecting data were used in the study, mainly documentary reviews, interviews and questionnaires. The documentary reviews included primary as well as secondary sources. The primary sources included files in the ward adult education co-ordinators offices while secondary sources included data from newspapers, articles and books. The interviews were structured and were administered to all the respondents so were the questionnaires. The instruments were validated, testing them in a pilot study, and were later adjusted accordingly. The analysis of data was made by looking at the figures which were later presented in tabular or in narrative forms. Indigenous skills were being utilized by the learners in agriculture as well as modern farming technology. Production however was still low. This was attributed to the poor farming technology and lack of inputs and bad infrastructure. However the study found out that post literacy classes helped in making the learners boost their production. It was discovered also that the number of women involved in the study was greater than that of men. It was recommended that the Ministry of Education strengthen the existing post literacy programmes and make arrangements for the curriculum to be developed locally so as to make it relevant to the learners. Furthermore, the Ministry of Education and that of Agriculture should co-ordinate the activities of agricultural and veterinary officers with those of adult education so as to avoid duplication of duties. People who are knowledgeable in indigenous skills among the villagers should teach in post literacy classes while at the same time the government should set up research and manufacturing centres within the framework of post literacy classes, to develop those skills. It was further recommended that the government provide peasants with inputs and easy loan facilities especially to women co-operative groups as well as building good infrastructural facilities. It was therefore hoped that, the provision of all the above factors would help boost production in the agricultural sector through post literacy classes. With regard to further research, it was recommended that a study be made on how indigenous skills could be made to ease women workload in agriculture through adult education.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMjema, W. I. (1988) The impact of adult education on the utilization of indigenous skills for the advancement of technology in the agricultural sector in Tanzania: the case study of Mwanga district, Kilimanjaro region, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectAdult educationen_US
dc.subjectMwanga (District)en_US
dc.titleThe impact of adult education on the utilization of indigenous skills for the advancement of technology in the agricultural sector in Tanzania: the case study of Mwanga district, Kilimanjaro regionen_US
