The legacy of the slave trade and slavery in the Coatal communities of Tanzania: a case study of Bagamoyo Town

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Unversity of Dar es Salaam
This study on ‘’the legacy of the slave trade and slavery in the coastal communities of Tanzania: A case of Bagamoyo’’was conducted in Bagamoyo town from March, 2006 to July 2006. The study examined issues of social differentiation that manifest in status, wealth, occupation, race, ethnicity, gender including their connections to legacy of slave and slavery. Due to the nature of the problem under study a qualitative descriptive design was employed. Data were gathered using case studies through in depth interviews from respondents of children ages. An additional group of respondents was picked from government officials and non-governmentalorganizations. Focus group discussions were also conducted to gather data about their memories and impact of slave trade as well as slavery. Observation was also employed in order to relate in their relationship with each other. The study found out that, although slave ceased many years ago, there was still a hangover of the practice manifest in people`s behaviours and attitudes towards each other. Attitudes towards certaintypes of work today and prevailing social inequality are manifestations of the slave and slavery practiced in the town for years. The study legacy concludes that the legacy of slave trade and slavery is very much present among coastal communities determines and explain the communities’ welfare. The study recommends that further studies should be carried out in other coastal towns like Kilwa and Pangani so as to see whether or not the impact of slave trade and slavery has had an implication also on their current social is also recommended that the findings of this study be used to inform development interventions that focus on changing minutes and resource distribution to diffuse any element of established inequalities derived from the community`s history.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HT1323.T34J32)
Slave trade, Slavery, Coastal communities, Bagamoyo, Tanzania
Kihiyo, M. J. (2008) The legacy of the slave trade and slavery in the Coatal communities of Tanzania: a case study of Bagamoyo Town, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam