Utilization of microfinances by persons with disabilities for poverty reduction in Tanzania: a case of Kibaha district

dc.contributor.authorMinja, Apaisaria Sifael
dc.descriptionAvailable in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HC79.P63T34M56)en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study is about “Utilization of Microfinances by Persons with Disabilities (for Poverty Reduction in Tanzania: A Case of Kibaha District”. More specifically the study examined four aspects namely, awareness and knowledge of loan conditions including process, procedures and criteria used; reasons for seeking loans; types of economic activities they established and; challenges encountered in various stages. A total of 80 respondents were involved in the study and both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used in collecting and analyzing data. Different tools were used in data collection including questionnaires, interviews, FGD, observation and documentary reviews. SPSS and Microsoft Excel were used in analyzing quantitative data whereas qualitative data analyzed by using content analysis procedures. Overall, Study findings reveal that nearly three quarter (79.7%) of all PwDs had little knowledge on loans conditions including process, procedures as well as purposes. Furthermore, only less than one third 9 (18%) reported that, they used loans for addressing the intended goal of poverty reduction. On the contrary, the remaining more than two third 41 (82%) used loans for attending immediate needs such as paying house rent, school fees, medication as well as purchasing food. As a result most of them were not able to come out of poverty trap. The study also revealed that there are both institution and individual challenges that limit PwDs ability to start and manage successful economic enterprises for poverty reduction using loans from MFIs. Thus, the study concluded by suggesting measures to be taken by the government, MFIs, PwDs and other actors to address the observed challenges. Government should institute monitoring and evaluation for tracking the utilization of loans by PwDs. MFIs should ensure reciprocity benefit and PwDs should use loans properly and work hard in order to attain development. Finally the study provides suggestions for further research.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMinja, A.S (2014) Utilization of microfinances by persons with disabilities for poverty reduction in Tanzania: a case of Kibaha district.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectPeople with disabilitiesen_US
dc.subjectKibaha districten_US
dc.titleUtilization of microfinances by persons with disabilities for poverty reduction in Tanzania: a case of Kibaha districten_US
