Factors Influencing Crop Trading Financing among Commercial Banks in Tanzania: the case of five selected Commercial Banks.

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University of Dar es salaam
Factors Influencing Crop Trading Financing among Commercial Banks in Tanzania: the case of five selected Commercial Banks. Gabriela Firmin Sukums Master of Business Administration (Finance) University of Dar es Salaam, University of Dar es salaam Business School, 2020 This study focused on assessing factors influencing crop trading financing among commercial banks in Tanzania. The study was guided by three study hypotheses including assurance on return to investment, perceived risk and transparency which were tested on banking sector development. The study was performed using explanatory design whereas information gathering was performed through relationship testing between variables of the study. The study findings were obtained through five selected commercial banks from the sample size of 50 respondents by means of structured questionnaires. The collected data was processed using SPSS datasheet where statistics relevant to present primary data were generated through the program after filling the data. Descriptive statistics first described the characteristics of respondents; whereas the relationship between study variables was done through correlation and multiple regressions. Findings of the study revealed that the three study predicting variables which are assurance on return to investment, perceived risk and transparency are all positive with significant outcome statistically on banking sector development as the dependent variable whereas p<0.05. This implies that banking sector development in Tanzania through crop trading financing is facilitated by assurance on return to investment, perceived risk and transparency. The study recommended that crop trading financing though it is effective and sufficient business among commercial banks to finance still must be also well assessed before the actual decision is undertaken since once policy changes situations change automatically and quick which may affect completely the business with no possibility to recover the costs. The study was conducted through quantitative approach whereas another study may be conducted using qualitative approach.
Available in print form, East Africana collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF HG1616.I5T34 S84)
Finance,, Bank investments,, Farm produce,, Commercial bank,, Tanzania
Sukums, G. F(2020) Factors Influencing Crop Trading Financing among Commercial Banks in Tanzania: the case of five selected Commercial Banks,Masters Dissertation,University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.