Sport talent identification and development in primary schools in Tanzania

dc.contributor.authorSangawe, Evance Simon
dc.descriptionAvailable in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF GV443.T34S26)en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study investigated Sport Talent Identification and Development in Primary Schools in Tanzania. The study focused on investigation the factors for students’ participation in sports at school. Also it examined the role of sport teachers and parents in students’ participation in sports. Furthermore, the study examined how sport talents are identified and developed. Lastly it examined the challenges of sport talent identification and development. Data were gathered from four public primary schools in Musoma Municipal in which 4 head teachers, 8 sport teachers, 16 students and 16 parents were involved. This study has qualitative data and has employed exploratory research design. Observation guide, Interview guide and Documentary review were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using content analysis through coding and category guidelines. The first objective indicated that availability of professional sport teachers, regular school sport competitions, fan and enjoyment, health reasons were some of the factors which motivated students to participate in sports. The second objective revealed that sport teachers and parents are very influential in facilitating students’ participation in sports and they were the immediate role models in sports. The third objective indicated that, primary school teachers were using local methods in sport talent identification focusing on height and weight, muscle structure, family background, morphology among the criteria indicating that, they lacked adequate knowledge and sufficient training. The fourth objective revealed that lack of professional sport teachers, acute shortage of fund, shortage and invasion sport facilitates are among the challenges of sport talent identification. From the findings it was concluded that primary schools are the potential area for identification of sport talents. Students are active in sport and ambitious to play and develop their talents in sports. In addition it was found that identification of spots talents in primary school exist and is done as well. However, sport teachers were using local methods in identification of talents which were less effective indicating that they lacked sufficient knowledge and adequate training on sport talent identification. Furthermore, lack of professional sport teachers, lack of facilities and lack adequate time in the school time table led to low participation. In the light of these findings it is recommended that responsible authority in education to ensure that teacher’s colleges produce professional sport teachers and to ensure there is budget for sport in primary schools. Responsible authorities to ensure security of the school sport facilities which currently have been invaded and misused. For the schools which do not have facilities plans to be set forth to ensure that they are available. Besides, review of the primary school PDS curriculum to be made to include in a topic on sport talent identification and development.en_US
dc.identifier.citationSangawe, E. S (2014) Sport talent identification and development in primary schools in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectPhysical education and trainingen_US
dc.subjectPhysical education for childrenen_US
dc.subjectPrimary schoolen_US
dc.subjectSport talenten_US
dc.titleSport talent identification and development in primary schools in Tanzaniaen_US
