Effectiveness of intergrated mine closure plan for environmental sustainability the case of resolute golden pride mine in Nzega district, Tanzania

dc.contributor.authorMapunda, Suzana Basilius
dc.descriptionAvailable in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HC59.7.M36)en_US
dc.description.abstractMine closure has negative consequences on community members living adjacent to the mine site. The consequences are in terms of environment, social –economic and public health impacts. Due to these impacts Integrated Mine Closure Plan was introduced to guide how best to close the mining whilst taking into account public health and safety, prevent physical and chemical deterioration of the environmental resources, provide beneficial and sustainable after-use of the mine site, minimize adverse socio-economic impacts and maximize socio-economic benefits after the mine closure.This study, was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the integrated mine closure plan by assessing whether the land rehabilitation and revegetation was properly done to meet agreed standards and closure objectives; to assess the level of stakeholder involvement and participation in the mine closure process; Also this study assessed whether mine closure practices have considered social economic issues as well as the extent environmental and social management plan has been followed in the mine closure practices. Various methods were used in data collections. These included household survey, focus group discussion, and key informants interview. Findings indicate that Resolute Golden Pride Mine has managed to rehabilitate the mine site as per agreed criteria, as it was observed during field-work that the area was rehabilitated and revegetated. In terms of social economic issues consideration during mine closure, about 95% of the respondents claimed that no initiatives have been done to ensure sustainability of social issues such as employment, health services provision and local business. Stakeholder consultation and engagement was done as part of this mine closure however 96% of respondent in sampled population revealed that they did not participate in closure process due to lack of information. Also, it was further observed that the approach used by the mine officials to consult the Villagers was not proper as they only selected few people from the village Council instead of organizing Village assembly meeting which comprised all village members that are above eighteen years of age. Due to the findings above, it is recommended that community consultation and awareness should be done at the early stage of mine closure planning and throughout the closure process; coordination of programs between the government and the mine administration must be strengthened to ensure the sustainability of projects and programs after closure. Legislation control and establishment of guidelines for mine closure should be enforced so as to promote compliance and uniformity of the practice all over the country.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMapunda, S.B. (2015) Effectiveness of intergrated mine closure plan for environmental sustainability the case of resolute golden pride mine in Nzega district, Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectSustainable developmenten_US
dc.titleEffectiveness of intergrated mine closure plan for environmental sustainability the case of resolute golden pride mine in Nzega district, Tanzaniaen_US
