Workplace conflict management strategies in Tanzania local government authorities performance: the case of Dar es Salaam City Council

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study examined conflict management strategies on the performance of local Government Authorities in Tanzania. It intended to determine strategies/mechanisms to manage conflicts in Tanzania local Government Authorities. The study has used interdependence and the social cognitive theories to explain the reason and the way issues which cut across culture and which are considered fundamental to human co-existence and interactions could lead to conflict in wide range of contexts; work environment included.A hypothesized model that included Conflict Management Strategies as predictors of Tanzania Local Government Authorities (LGAs) performance was evaluated using Multiple Linear Regression Model. The results supported the hypothesized model, indicating that conflict management strategies (avoidance, accommodation, competition, collaboration and compromise) have influence on LGAs performance. The results indicate that avoidance, accommodation, competition, collaboration and compromise enhance LGAs performance. This implies that, the LGAs performance is enhanced by the strategies such as avoidance, accommodation, competition, collaboration and compromise. This study recommends that, LGAs need to use the five conflict management strategies (avoidance, accommodation, competition, collaboration and compromise as well as other strategies to manage conflicts arise at their work places.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF JS7697.T34N39)
Local goverment, Conflict management, Dar es Salaam City Council, Tanzania
Ndyetabula, L.T (2018) Workplace conflict management strategies in Tanzania local government authorities performance: the case of Dar es Salaam City Council.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.