The impact of palm oil export on rural poverty reduction in Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study is on the Impact of Palm Oil Export on Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas in Tanzania. Although there are government initiatives to deal with poverty reduction through agriculture, foreign aid, and agricultural policies to help poverty reduction, the poverty still exists and affects many indigenous. Therefore, this study focused on palm oil export and its impact on rural poverty reduction in Tanzania, while at the same time looking at the contribution of palm oil export in the process of poverty reduction at the micro level. This study was, therefore designed to (a) examine how the household income generated from palm oil export contributes to poverty reduction in rural (b) assess the relationship between palm oil export and household ability to access health services in rural areas (c) analyse the extent to which palm oil export contributes to household welfare and consumption in rural areas. Survey questionnaire was administered to 63 respondents judgemental sampling from Kigoma and Rufiji districts. The data were analyzed using SPSS computer package. Descriptive statistics were used for further analysis. The research findings revealed that the income generated from palm oil export is not enough to reduce poverty in rural areas of Tanzania. It is recommended that palm oil processed below the internationally required quality thus why the product does not so well in foreign markers. In order to improve quality these farmers need to pool their resources together and seek finance.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD9490.5.P343T34M78)
Oil palm industry, Rural port, Tanzania
Msumba, H. (2014) The impact of palm oil export on rural poverty reduction in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam