An assessment on the applicability of selection and acquisition Procedures at Unguja public Library
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This study assessed the applicability of selection and acquisition procedures at Unguja Public Library. The objectives of the study were to establish library material selection and acquisition procedures at Unguja Public Library; assess library users’ views on the relevance of library collections at Unguja Public Library; and identify challenges that selection and acquisition of library materials face at Unguja Public Library. A total of two hundred and twenty-five (225) respondents participated in this study. These consisted of two hundred and fifteen (215) library patrons and seven (10) library core staff who were selected purposively and conveniently. Questionnaire, interview, as well as obtrusive observation methods were used to collect data for the study. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS and Microsoft excel to generate frequency and percentages which have been presented in form of tables and figures; while qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. The study’s key findings reveal that selection and acquisition procedures are not strictly applied and adhered to at Unguja Public Library. The study findings also reveal that most library staff lack experience and knowledge on resource selection and acquisition processes. The results have also revealed that library users are not involved in the selection process. Finally, the study recommends a close working collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in Zanzibar and Unguja Public Library Management to improve the quality of selection and acquisition procedures at the Library so as to build a balanced library collection that meets users’ needs.