Managing secondary school students attendance in Kisarawe district: the role of education stakeholders.

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University of Dar es Salaam
Student school non-attendance in many secondary schools has remained to be a problem. This contributes to poor students' learning outcomes. This study sought to investigate the role of educational stakeholders in managing secondary school students attendance in Kisarawe district. In particular, the study aimed to explore the school management strategies used to engage the educational stakeholders in managing student school attendance; examine the roles of educational officers in managing student school attendance; and examine the roles of families in managing student school attendance. The study was qualitative in nature, which employed a case study design. Data were collected from 24 parents, 30 teachers, six school heads, and one District Education Officer. The data also were collected from eight students in each of the studied schools. The study: employed purposive sampling. The research methods employed were interview, focused group discussion and documentary review. The qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. The findings revealed that school management strategies used to engage the educational stakeholders in managing student school attendance were: Sending letters to parents; motivating students to attend school regularly; and initiating sports and games at schools. The study further revealed roles of school heads as supervising teachers to make sure that they teach; ensuring student school daily attendance; and communicating with parents. Furthermore, the study revealed roles of teachers as to go through the attendance registers daily; follow up of non-attending students; and counselling of students with problems. Likewise, the study revealed roles of district educational officer as to coordinate and supervise schools; communicating with parents; and follow up of absent students in examinations. The study also revealed two roles of parents: Firstly, provision of essential needs. Secondly, follow up on student school attendance and school academic progresses. Lastly, the roles of students revealed were to cooperate with teachers to ensure that students attend school also to insist and motivate fellow students to attend and like school. However, this study noted that there was a greater gap between what was known and what was school attendance. The study recommends that educational officers should use ward or village leaders to mobilize families in enhancing the management of student school abundance. The study further recommends that educational stakeholders should be committed in fulfilling their roles and consider these roles as pan of essential services in managing student school attendance. Furthermore, government and other educational stakeholders are recommended ta build Hostels at schools as well as to provide lunch at schools as a way of enhancing the management student school attendance.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB3081.T34M37)
School management and organization, School attendance, Secondary school students, Educational stakeholders, Kisarawe district, Tanzania
Marco, J. (2011). Managing secondary school students attendance in Kisarawe district: the role of education stakeholders. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.