High enrolment of pupils in primary schools and its effects on teaching and learning in Tanzania: the case of Kinondoni Municipality

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study sought to investigate high enrolment and its adverse effects on teaching and learning in primary schools within Kinondoni Municipality. More specifically, the study attempted to answer four basic questions. Firstly, to what extent did enrolment of pupils in primary schools increase between 2006 and 2010; secondly, why did enrolment of pupils go beyond the available facilities; thirdly, what factors lead to high enrolment and lastly, what should be done to mitigate the adverse effects of high enrolment of pupils on the quality of teaching and learning. The study used a qualitative approach involving a sample of four primary schools selected within the Municipality and 70 participants were involved. It was a case study whereby document search, checklist, classroom observation and interviews were carried out. Findings of this study revealed that, there was evidence of high enrolment of pupils in all the primary schools included in the study. The high enrolment of pupils did not go hand in hand with an increase in the provision of teaching and learning facilities. This had a negative effect on the quality of teaching and learning in the schools and this presents a challenge for the Government and other stakeholders to improve teaching and learning facilities to match with the high enrolment of pupils. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT) to re-plan and allocate more funds for construction of new classrooms, to address the problem of high enrolment of the pupils.
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School enrolment, Primary schools, Children, Kinondoni municipality, Tanzania
Siara, N. (2011)High enrolment of pupils in primary schools and its effects on teaching and learning in Tanzania: the case of Kinondoni Municipality, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (