Information seeking behavior and library use of secondary school students: the case of Dar es Salaam region.

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University of Dar es Salaam
This dissertation is on information seeking behavior with reference to the students in secondary schools in Dar es Salaam region whose information-seeking behavior has never been investigated before. The study examines such basic concepts as information, information seeking behavior, information needs, and factors affecting information seeking behavior. The review of earlier use studies is then made. This is followed by the analysis of the data and outlying of the major findings. In investigating the information-seeking behavior of secondary school students in Dar es Salaam region, one hundred and eight questionnaires were distributed among the students of six selected schools. A 88% response was achieved. Among the findings of the investigation was the low use of school libraries as sources of information. A high use of public libraries especially by students in day schools was observed. Secondly, school libraries are not fully utilized due to the poor information resources they hold. Hence students only use school libraries as study rooms. Many students reported to have problems with the English language, although it is the medium of instruction in the schools. The impact of this is that students do not effectively seek and understand information important for their studies. Among the recommendations made are the establishment of school libraries with appropriate information resources, the training of teacher librarians and implementing user education programmes in secondary schools.
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Library use studies, Information seeking behavior, Secondary students, Dar es Salaam
Ruzegea, Mboni A. (2002). Information seeking behavior and library use of secondary school students: the case of Dar es Salaam region. Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (