Substance abuse and mental Health in Zanzibar



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University of Dar es Salaam


Substance abuse has been a growing problem that causes significant burden in soc1elies worldwide, and it cannot be ignored This study sought to investigate the extent to which mental health problems resulted from substance abuse practices among people in Zanzibar, whether substance abuse practices were related to the age, and then the adduced reasons to engage in drug abuse practices. The study was earned out in Zanzibar Munic1pality, the place that the drug abusers and mentally affected people, as the result t of drugs, could easily be accessed The study was earned out in the related Institutions, The Governmental Department of Substance Abuse Prevention and Rehabilitation , and Kidongo Chekundu Mental Hospital. The study involved 182 respondents identified through purposive and stratified sampling techniques . Data collection involved documentary review, senu structured in-depth interviews, and questionnaires. The analytical framework employed was descriptive analysis. The findings revealed that substance abuse and mental health problems were closely related . This was due to the fact that a large number of mentally ill persons admitted at the mental hospital were drug addicts Also, it was found out that almost all drug abusers were among the young and early adult persons. thus evidently, drug abuse practices m Zanzibar were confined to these ages The reasons for becoming drug abuser included unemployment , poverty, frustrations, peers influence, accessibility of drugs, and family shocks. It is recommended that the effective measures are needed including policies , and education programmes that will enhance health behaviours and make drug free environment.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF RC 564.A44)


Substance abuse, Mental health problem, Zanzibar


Ali, H.I (2006) Substance abuse and mental Health in Zanzibar.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.