Agricultural window credit facility (kilimo kwanza) and crop productivity in Morogoro, Tanzania a case of TIB Development Bank Limited

dc.contributor.authorMhenga, David Nicas
dc.descriptionAvailable in print copyen_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was to examine the impact of agricultural credit facility of TIB on crop productivity in Morogoro Region. Agricultural development requires timely and adequate supplies of essential farm inputs. Investment capacity of majority of our farmers is low as they are poor and they cannot afford to meet increased price for the purchase of improved seeds, recommended dose of fertilizer, employing farm machinery. So, lack of finance is one of the main reasons for low productivity in our agriculture. In 2010, the government decided to set up an Agricultural Credit Window at TIB to cater for agriculture financing needs in Tanzania. The research method involved the use of questionnaires, interview and document review as a means of collecting data. The questionnaires were semi-structured designed so as to allow for individual opinions on the problem under study. The review of document was done through reports, journals and publication. The results were generated by SPSS package through which findings were deduced and the research questions were attested. Through experience gained by TIB it was found that credits helped farmer to purchase inputs and improve farming technologies thus, increase agriculture productivity. Therefore, there is positive relationship between agriculture credit and crop productivity. Despite the fact that credit was not the only factor that improved agriculture productivity in Tanzania other factors such as technical assistance program, block farming, private sector intervention in provision of agriculture subsidies, extension services were recommended as a way forward.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMhenga, D.N.(2013). Agricultural window credit facility (kilimo kwanza) and crop productivity in Morogoro, Tanzania a case of TIB Development Bank Limited. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectAgricultural crediten_US
dc.subjectAgricultural productivityen_US
dc.subjectMorogoro regionen_US
dc.titleAgricultural window credit facility (kilimo kwanza) and crop productivity in Morogoro, Tanzania a case of TIB Development Bank Limiteden_US
