Social psychological experiences and problems affecting the visually impaired persons’ interaction in the community: the case of Mpwapwa district
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People with disabilities are generally discriminated, mistreated and isolated form interactions with non-handicapped persons. The purpose of this studywas to investigate social psychological experiences and problems affecting the visually impaired persons’ interaction in the community. The aim was to understand their social psychology well a being and adjustments made in the family and community life. The study was guide by the following objectives: to explore the family and other community members perception of the visually impaired person’s potentials; to explore how visually impaired persons perceive themselves, their needs and handicapping condition; to analyze the extent to which these perception affect the visually impaired persons’ interaction and integration into the community life; to investigate the psychological problems they experience as a result of barriers in their efforts for integration towards normally life, to analyze psychosocial support availed to the visually impaired persons in the family and the community. The research was conducted in Mpwapwa district. Forty respondents were selected for the sample. Data was collected through interview, documentary review and checklist. It was found that visually impaired persons were perceived by the community members as being dependent, unproductive and a burden to the community. The visually impaired persons perceived themselves, differently between persons in rural areas and those in working and learning institutions. While the employed visually impaired persons and students believed to be capable of performing most of the activities identified in the study. It was established that in their efforts to integrate in the community, visually impaired persons faced a number of social psychological problems including social isolation, poor self-confidence, poor adjustment to the environment, frustration, anxiety, stress, aggressiveness, fear and hostility. These problems were experienced across social groups, educational levels and status. Visually impaired persons encountered with these problems recived the following psychosocial support services: encouragement and appreciation, exposure to various social activities, spiritual counseling, informational support, and counseling by professionals. The study concluded that community members’ negative perception of the visually impaired persons is still dominant in our societies. Therefore people are to be sensitized on the potentials abilities of people with disabilities in the community so that they can accept and involve them in various community activities. The study recommended that similar investigations on the psychological experiences and problems of handicapped persons in the community should be conducted for other types of disabilities.