Assessing Contribution of Artisanal Mining to Improving Livelihoods; the Case of Nyakabale, Geita Town,Tanzania



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University of Dar es Salaam


This study assessed contribution of artisanal mining to improving livelihoods at Nyakabale, Geita Town. Despite the fact that most studies focused on artisanal and small-scale mining, very little is known on contribution of artisanal mining to improvement of livelihoods in this study area. Thus, this research intended to fill the knowledge gap on the contribution of Artisanal mining to improving livelihoods. The objectives of the study were: to assess the income at household level of Artisanal miners apart from involving in such activity; to identify factors for people's involvement in artisanal mining; to examine the contribution of Artisanal mining on household income and to assess the measures that could be taken to ensure the sustainability of livelihood in mining communities. A total of 162 households were involved, whereby 41 households were artisanal miners and 121 households were non-artisanal miners. Data collection methods used were documentary review; focus group discussion and questionnaire survey. Findings from the study reveal that 23 percent of total households at Nyakabale Street were involved in artisanal mining. Findings from this study showed that, artisanal mining contributes positively to livelihoods of Nyakabale dwellers. However, benefits are rather minimal because of several constraints encountered. In view of this, the importance of artisanal mining needs to be helped by policy makers in relation to individual, household and community benefits. Realization of these benefits will enhance development in exploitation of this non-renewable natural resource.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF HD9506.T34S22)


Mineral industries, Mines and mineral resources, Nyakabale, Geita town, Tanzania


Sadiki, Samson (2015) Assessing Contribution of Artisanal Mining to Improving Livelihoods; the Case of Nyakabale, Geita Town,Tanzania, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam