The implementation of competence-based language teaching/learning in o-level second schools in Tanzania
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The study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of the implementation of Competence-Based Language Teaching in the process of learning English language. The study specifically intended to examine teachers’ awareness of CBLT Approach, to examine the extent to which CBLT was implemented in English language classrooms and find out views of teachers and language practitioners about the effectiveness of CBLT in English language classrooms. The study adopted the guidelines from eclectic model of language teaching/learning developed by Dunkan and Biddle (1974), Larsen-Freeman (1986), as modified in Kipacha (1993). The study was carried out in Iringa Region particularly Iringa Municipality involving two government secondary schools and employed mainly a qualitative approach with some quantitative elements. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, classroom observations and document reviews and were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively in order to get meaningful relationship. The research findings reveal that most English language teachers in the studied secondary schools were not well informed about the insights of the newly adopted paradigm of language teaching/learning (CBLT). Moreover, it was found that English language teachers were still using traditional structural methods of teaching/learning English language where the lecture method seemed to permeate all lessons in the classrooms. Nevertheless, teachers were found likely to favour the newly introduced CBLT curriculum provided that they were facilitated with necessary instructional materials and appropriate pre-service and in-service training programmes. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT) should ensure that English language teachers are exposed to the principles, procedures and practices of the new approach (CBLT) through sponsoring numerous regular in-service trainings. Teachers are recommended to use interactive, interpersonal techniques with a variety of teaching resources. Further studies are suggested to involve wider coverage and participation for generalisation purposes and policy implications.