School management capacity for teacher professional development in Tanzania: a case Study of primary school teachers in Mbeya region

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University of Dar es Salaam
The study explored school management capacity for teacher development in Tanzania with deference to lleje, Mbozi, and Rungwe districts. Various literature on professional development were reviewed and a conceptual framework was developed to guide the study. The sample of the study comprised of 99 respondents who included Education officers, head teachers, school committee chairpersons, Education Officers, and classroom teachers. The instruments used for data collection were Interview Schedules, Focus Group Discussion Guidelines. Questionnaires and Observational Checklists. The study revealed that access to Teacher Profession Development (TPD) programmes is limited and the support of school management is inadequate Educational managers and school management have done very little in supporting teachers to develop professionally. Moreover, the school culture has affected TPD Factors like nine table, school plans, lack of collegiality among teachers, lack of motivation and examinations have negatively affected TPD. However, many teachers perceive TPD positively and they see it as a good idea. Teachers also understand that professional development involves attending upgrading or traditional programmes which are formal in nature. Reform types which are informal practices are not perceived as part of professional development programmes. The study suggests on improving aspects that negatively affect TPD to be successful executed. Furthermore, the study recommends undertaking other studies on the contribution of reform types in developing teachers professionally and also enlarging the area of study and sample size for generalization of the findings.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB1731J85)
School management and organization, Primary school teachers, Inservice training, Teachers, Mbeya region
Juma, K.J.J (2007) School management capacity for teacher professional development in Tanzania: a case Study of primary school teachers in Mbeya region.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.