Coping with health risks facing children- in dar-es-salaam urban informal settlements: a case study of Buguruni kwa mnyamani

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Unversity of Dar es Salaam
The general objective of this study was to exprore the community members' expression and intervention taken by different actors to respond to health risks associated with water and sanitation facing their children, and their communities in general. Through the investigation the study explored water and sanitation related health risks facing children and the community as a whole, the process, and conditions that give rise to water and sanitation health risk in the settlement. The study was conducted in Buguruni Kwa Mnyamani, an informal settlement in Ilala District. Data analysis combined both qualitative and quantitative data at primary and secondary levels. The findings showed that poverty, poor hygienic behaviors, overpopulation, and low level of education to be the conditions and processes that gave rise to heath risks facing children in the settlement. The study shows there were interventions done by different actors in settlement, however, the interventions were not that elective due to a number of reasons.The study recommended that the Government should collaborate with other actors like NGOs to effectively address some aspects of poverty at the community level. It should also address the issues of housing conditions by providing avoidable and adequate basic services such as water and sanitation, which were among the most important ways to improve living conditions. Otherwise the health risks in the informal setlement will continue to be a distress not only to children but to the whole community.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF RA566.27K58)
Health risk assessment, Children, Dar es Salaam, Buguruni Kwa Mnyamani
Kiwera, Y. (2007) Coping with health risks facing children- in dar-es-salaam urban informal settlements: a case study of Buguruni kwa mnyamani, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam