Agro-ecosystems’ resilience to damage: determination of index of susceptibility to climate change in mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
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This study assesses maize-coffee-banana agro-ecosystems’ resilience to damage on the southern slope of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. It identifies agronomic practices and assessing their impacts on agro-ecosystems’ resilience; examine the socio-economic status of the farmers in the region and its impacts on agro-ecosystems; and examine the agro-ecosystems’ natural resilience and assess socio-ecological susceptibility index to the impacts of climate change. About 400 households was covered in this survey with response rate of 97%.Farmers were asked on their farming practices and systems, key informants and transect walk was also employed in gathering necessary information. Study was carried out at a specific designed transect for a selected part of Kilimanjaro region between Kisangesangeni-Miwaleni (700 m.a.s.l) and Makunduchi/Kirua Vunjo (1600 m.a.s.l) of about 21.7 km long and 2km wide southern part of Mount Kilimanjaro in Moshi rural district. The study shows a significant variation in agronomic practices with altitude and lack of sufficient agro-ecosystem resilience framing like conservation agriculture including agro-forestry, conservation tillage, contouring and terracing, mulching, intercropping, and fallowing to mention few; pest and disease control, soil conservation infrastructure, and off farm diversification was also a key challenge to farmers. Parameters like drought frequency, number of household dependants, social safety nets, off farm contribution, possession of land title, wood usage as cooking energy, access to extension services, fallowing practice, farm acreage possession per household, and response to drought cases have been included in socio-ecological susceptibility index computation. Because of variation over altitude the susceptibility also vary with altitude.Recommendations have been given like creating good adaptation options which includes imposing and establishment of traditional and non-traditional high value crops as well as facilitating social safety nets necessary for household income diversification.